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roseanne - 21 years old

22 years old - jennie

Jennie sat beside Roseanne's hospital bed, holding her hand. Suddenly, the heart monitors starts beeping loudly. Roseanne's body twitches violently.

A doctor and nurses came rushing into the room. "Rosie?!" Jennie shouts feeling panicky, "Rosie?!" Trying to push through the nurses who's holding her back. "Please- please! I need to see her!"

Jennie cried out, trying to fight the nurses away. "Ma'am we need you to leave the room please." The nurses pushes her forcefully out of the room. Jennie broke down outside.

With shaking hands she called Roseanne's parents. "Jen? Jen what happened?" Clare's voice was heard from the phone worriedly. "Ro- Rosie she's, I- I don't know. S-she-"

"Mason! Mason, we need to go!" Clare's voice can be heard shouting for her husband desperately. "Jen, stay there okay? We're coming."

Jennie nods, tears streaming down her face. She prays and prays, over and over again for Roseanne to be alright. She sat down at one of the benches waiting for the doctor and nurses to come out.

"Jennie?" Clare called out. Said girl whipped her head to the source of voice. "What did the doctor say?" Jennie shook her head, "Still inside."

Jennie along with Roseanne's parents waited outside. Hoping with everything they have that Roseanne's going to be alright. "She's gonna be alright, right?" Jennie asks Clare shakily.

Clare pulled Jennie into an embrace. Jennie feels warm liquid fell onto her shoulder. "We don't know." Jennie cries and hugs Clare tighter.

"Please be alright, Rosie."

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