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roseanne - 21 years old

22 years old - jennie

The sound of the door opening was heard. The three person waiting outside immediately stood up. "How is she?" Clare spoke up instantly. The doctor gave them a comforting smile, "She's stable for now,"

"You may go inside." All of them breathe out a sigh of relief, "Thank you, doctor." The doctor nods and left, going elsewhere. "Rosie?" Jennie called out when she saw the girl was sitting upright.

"Jen." Jennie can see Roseanne smiling even though she's wearing an oxygen mask. Jennie rushes to her side and hugs her immediately- careful not to crush the blonde.

"Don't scare me like that again." the brunette scolds the blonde, "you worried me sick." The blonde still smiles looking at her tiny girlfriend, "I'm sorry." Jennie nods, "As long as you're alright now."

"Mum, dad." The blonde greets when she noticed their presence by the door. "My baby," her mother came to her side, "are you alright?" Roseanne nods.

"Here's your sister," Her dad showed the screen of his phone, showing her sister- Alice- who's on the other side of the earth. "How are you, poopy head?" Alice asked concernedly.

Roseanne chuckled slightly before answered, "I'm good." Alice sighs in relief, "You need to stop worrying me, look at my wrinkles." Roseanne giggled.

The family continued to chat away before Roseanne feels the need to rest. "Go to sleep, baby." Jennie caresses Roseanne's hair lovingly. "Stay?" Roseanne asks. "Of course,"

"I'll forever be next to you."

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