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roseanne - 20 years old

21 years old - jennie

Years has flown by, now Roseanne and Jennie are both in the same college studying different major. Roseanne, art. Jennie, music. Roseanne has yet to find a heart transplant that matches her but she seems fine- for now. And hopefully, for forever.

"Rosie." Jennie runs her hand through Roseanne's soft blonde hair. Roseanne hums, indicating she's listening. "Date? Tomorrow?" the brunette asks.

Roseanne nods and continue shutting her eyes, enjoying the gentle runs of Jennie's hand through her hair.

Their status had changed. What once was a friendship had blossomed into a relationship.

Jennie leans down to kiss Roseanne on the lips. "Are you taking a nap?" she asked. Roseanne just hums once again and snugged deeper into Jennie's stomach. "On my lap?" Roseanne didn't reply.

"Come on now, let's get you to bed." Jennie shook Roseanne but the blonde refuses. "More comfy. Here." She said, rooted where she was. Jennie sighs but smile and continues running her hand, following Roseanne's wants.

"Love you, my Rosie Posie." Jennie whispered softly into Roseanne's ear. Roseanne smiled dopily and contentedly.

"I love you too, my Nini."

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