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roseanne - 21 years old

22 years old - jennie

Couple months has passed, everything seems to be alright. Except, it's not. Roseanne's condition has only gotten worse and worse and there's yet a heart that suits her. Even Alice flew back and stayed here for the past weeks- wanting to spend time with her little sister because who knows if it's her last.

"Rosie poop?" Alice called out and not receiving any reply back. "Rosie?" Alice went to the living room, the last where she seen Roseanne. "Rosie!" she shouts seeing her sister knocked out at the carpet.

"Mum! Dad! Call the ambulance!" Her parents rushed footsteps was heard. "Rosie!" Clare clutches her heart, weak at the sight of her daughter. "Mason!"

Roseanne's dad has called the ambulance, trying to calm the ladies even though he too is terrified of her daughter's situation.

Alice informed Jennie of the situation and the girl immediately dropped everything to go to the hospital. "How- how is she?" Jennie asks, panting with red face from running. "We don't know yet." Alice answered biting her lips.

Jennie paces back and fourth anxiously then sits down. "I-" she tried to speak but ended up sobbing instead. Alice comforted her, "Stay strong, Jennie, she needs you."

"I need her too."

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