Chapter 33

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A/N: Jayd's hair will be seen in the next chapter, sorry. Enjoy!

Two weeks later, Tuesday

Stay busy.

The only way I can keep my mind off of fucking Zayn Malik is by staying busy.

And somehow I have. I cook dinner every night, make desserts all the time (and bring most of them in to work for my coworkers), read books, run a few miles every morning and hit the gym every afternoon.

But I’m not always successful at avoiding thoughts of Za— him.

Especially since Niall, Liam, Harry, and Louis all call and text me multiple times every day.

And the closing ceremony of the Olympics was this past Friday, in which One Direction performed.

And there are blurry pictures of me and Harry plastered on all kinds of magazines; taken from that restaurant he dragged me to.

So I ignore the calls and texts. I stayed at work late in order to miss the closing ceremony. I even cut my hair short so girls would quit whispering on the street; wondering if they just saw Harry’s new girl.

On a brighter note, I love my hair. The style really suits my face, and it doesn’t take as long to style as it used to. Plus, I’m running right now, and my neck is sweating. Definitely a good haircut choice, if I do say so myself.

I run past a few newsstands and cringe as I see a slightly blurry picture of myself with Harry in front of that restaurant. Gosh, wouldn’t this have blown over by now? Why are they still showing this stuff? If I wasn’t trying so hard to avoid all thoughts of Zayn or One Direction, I would have thought it was funny. But honestly, I can’t help but be annoyed.

And once I start thinking about him, I can’t stop. Because us breaking up isn’t all his fault. I could have told Zayn the truth; that I wasn’t a drug addict. And sure, he jumped to conclusions, but haven’t we all at one point or another? I know I have. I mean, just a month ago I was accusing Zayn of cheating on me.

But instead of clearing up the misunderstanding, I just decide to push him away. But why? What am I so afraid of? I guess my inner voice knows.

That he’ll leave you feeling worthless and alone

But would he really do that?

The people who gave birth to you did. What’s gonna stop someone who isn’t related to you from doing the same thing?


I remember when I was eleven and my dad was home for once. Not for me of course; it was investor’s weekend and my father was hosting it this year. Yay. Sounds like the party of the year.

I really hope you noted the sarcasm.

I would have spent that weekend at Liz’s, but she was at a soccer game in another city. My dad had come into my room to tell me to “stay in my room and out of grown men’s business. This weekend was very important” and that he “didn’t want some juvenile child ruining it.”

Well that hurt, to say the least. I didn’t even want to go to his stupid party in the first place. But how could I ruin it? Did he think I was going to stand on my balcony and throw water balloons at his guests? Slip bugs in the hors d’oeuvres (appetizers)?Run through the mansion naked? It wasn’t like I was that bad. Sure, I had an attitude problem, a short temper, and a tendency to talk back. But who’s fault was that really? Short tempers are common in redheads, as my dad should know; after all, he did marry my mom. And the disrespectful attitude and talking back would have never happened if my parents ever paid attention/ appreciated the obedient, positive person I used to be. Honestly, getting them to yell at me was so much better than being ignored by them.

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