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(A/N; this chapter bouta be hella juicy! Get it!? Sorry, my mom is disappointed too, don't worry. Hope u enjoy!)

Today the boys had a wicked idea. Today we were gonna do a truth or hot wings. Yup, another truth or hot wings video, but with me. Atsuki slept in late, so, he couldn't join.

"Welcome back to the boys channel, today we're doing truth or hot wings, irl. Together. " Josh emphasized the 'together' bit.

We were a few questions in. Surprisingly, no one had to eat a hot wing yet.

"Ok, this question is for, Lyss. " Eddie read out loud.

"Oh shit... " I groaned.

"What does it say!? What does it say!? What does it say!? " the boys chant.

"If you could choose one person on the boys... " He began, "who would you fuck?" He laughed.

"EDUARDO!" I gasped. The boys stared at me.

"Yeah, you lil shit, who do you want to fuck? Ya know, the dirty. " Josh whispered. I just sat there.

"S-spin the wheel. " I muttered they all gasped.

Geage's POV:

"Yeah, you lil shit, who do you want to fuck? Ya know, the dirty. " Josh whispered. She just sat there.

I laughed. I hope it's not anybody else... I've felt drawn to her these past couple days. Though, we've only just met.... I can't like her now!

She sat there nervously.

"S-spin the wheel. " We hear her mutter. I was a bit disappointed.

She spinned the wheel.

(It's 1:10am the day I go to a resort. Woke up like an hour ago and can't sleep. I just hear my SLEEP cousin giggle and say "danggg" then go back into a deep sleep- WTF JUST HAPPENED. )

She got a really hot one. She put the hot sauce on then ate it.

"Damn, this shit low key spicy," she said while sticking her tongue out, "I know I look fine right now, but my mouth is burning hot. "

"Get the what card no one cares. " Mully laughed.

"Dickhead, " she said with an eye roll, "ok this is for Juicy, if you had the chance, to have a night to do anything with anyone, in this group, and they forget afterwards. Who would you pick, and what would you do?" I stopped for a moment. I don't know- I literally don't know.... Uh...

"Spin that shit. " I said with a slight smirk. I got one of the lowest.

"Bullshit." Lyss mumbled.

"Ok, wow, another for Lyss. " I read,"Do you not show your face because you are insecure or do you have a different reason? "

"Oof! Ok... Soooo.... Ugh.... I don't know if I want to answer this, " she laughed, "so... Yeah half because I'm deeply insecure, you can ask the boys, I've worn a mask the whole time I've been here, they haven't even seen my face, and the fact that like- you don't see my face no biggie? Nothing happens so what's the point? One day I do dream of doing a face reveal tho. "

Suddenly we heard a timer. Kevin smirked.

"Dare or wing round!" Kevin shouted. Everyone looked nervous, "Allyssa, I choose you. Show your face, to the boys only and me of course, or take the all of the sauces together. "

"Kevin, I hate you with a passion. " she sighed and got up facing us. She then took her mask off.


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