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3rd person

It had been a week since the first kiss happened and the two teenagers couldn't get enough of each other. From sneaking small kisses from each other at trainings when she would go or full blown make out sessions in the girls bed room. They couldn't get enough.
They had surprisingly been able to hide what was going on from everyone but Pedri. That boy new something was up the moment Pablo walked into practice next day after the first kiss had happened and didn't leave Pablo alone until he spilled what happened.
It's not like the teens are purposefully hiding that there's something going on, they just want to confirm things with themselves first before letting anyone else know. Pedri doesn't count.

The two teenage boys were currently sat on the pitch, talking about how he should ask her to officially be his girlfriend while they were on their break.
"You're over thinking it hermanó" Pedri says taking a sip of his water.

Pablo sighs. "But I want to make it special"
Pedri shrugs "I say get her some flowers or chocolate then ask her"
Pablo turns to look at Pedri
"If you had a crush on a girl..all you'd do it get her chocolates or flowers? Por eso no ligas" (that's why you don't pull) Pablo comment.
Pedri rolls his eyes
"It depends on the girl Pablo. I've know Isa for over a year now she appreciates every little thing she gets. She's the type of girl that a fan would give a bracelet too and she's never take it off. Im not saying she won't appreciate if you did sometimes big because she really will but I'm just saying she won't like you any less if it was just a box of chocolates with the words 'will you be my girlfriend' written on it"

Pablo stares at Pedri in shock.
"That was kind of beautiful Pedro"

Pedri smiles "gracias, I try"
"But seriously dude, it'd Isabel we're talking about, she'll appreciate anything you do and cherish it"

Pablo nods at his friends in front of him.
He thinks he knows what he'll do and he just hope Pedri is right about all of this.
He was going to do something special but not over the top like he had wanted. Something memorable but simple. He was going to combine the girls two favorite things. Reading and cupcakes.


Pablo was sat in his bedroom at his parents house with 3 different book on his bed as he looks through every single page trying to find one that says the words 'will, you, be, my, girlfriend' scattered across it so he could highlight them in purple, her favorite color. He finally finds one and puts a book mark in it to remember the page for the set up he was going to do later. Isabel was supposed to come over for an early dinner with his family at 7.

Pablo walks downstairs to his kitchen, pulling out the 2 medium sized cupcakes he had bought and attempts to write right yes on one and no on the other with frosting . It was a little cheesy but Pablo didn't care her just wanted her to be his.
Pablo frowned at his horrible piping skills but the words were visible enough.
It was currently 6:50 meaning she should arrive anytime soon.
Pablo puts the cupcakes back into their clear container and takes them upstairs to his room.
Placing them on his bed before grabbing the book and propping it opened on the highlighted page, right infront of the cupcakes.
"Pablo! Isabel is here" his mom shouts.

Pablo quickly fixes his hair before hurrying down stairs.
"Hola Bel" he smiles hugging her.
"Hola Pablo" she says back kissing his cheek.

Pablo leads Isabel to the dinner table where his parents and sister currently sat having all the food set.
"Hola, you must be Isabel, my brother has told us so much about you. I'm Aurora" Isabel kindly greeted her with a hug. "It's nice to meet you"
Aurora smile back before sitting back down.
"Buenos trade's Isabel it's a pleasure to have you join us, I'm Pablo's dad, please sit"

"It's nice to meet you Señor, thank you for inviting me" she smiles at the older man.
Pablo pulls out the chair next to him for the girl. She gives his a thankful smile before sitting.


"Well if you can excuse us, me and Isa will be upstairs" Pablo says standing up from the table after dinner had finished.
He grabs Isabel's empty plate along with his and takes it to the kitchen, quickly washing it before placing it on the counter.
I'll put it away later

He motions for the girl to follow his before she excuses herself from the table following the boy to his room.

Pablo whips his hands on his pants nervously opening his bedroom door.
The girl next to him looks up at him then back to his bedroom before walking in.
Pablo knew what the answer was most likely going to be so he didn't understand why he was actually so nervous about asking her In the first place.

"What's this" Isabel asks walking up to his bed, picking up the open book. She scans the open page with her eyes frowning at the highlighted words.
'Girlfriend, my, will,be, you' she looked up at Pablo for second once she thinks she figured out what was trying to be said 'will you be my girlfriend' she diverts get eye back to his bed where two cupcakes sat in a container. Yes, no on them.
Isabel let out a small giggle sitting down on Pablo's bed before opening the container. She looked up at a tense Pablo standing up next to his door watch her. She picks up her cupcakes, showing his what was written on top before take a bite into it. Yes. She picked yes.

Pablo let out an airy breath but soon a smile appearing on his face. Isa stands up walking up to him. "That was really cute of you Pablo" she smiles.
Pablo grinned look down at her. "Yeah?"
She nods wrapping her arms around his neck.
"Yeah" she whispers, placing her lips on his.
Pablo melts into the kiss, wrapping his arms around her waist holding her close.
"I'm you girlfriend now" Isabel says after pulling away.
Pablo smiles at the girl I'm his arms
"You are"
Isabel chuckles pulling away then going back to her cupcake.
"Give me the no, I've been dying to destroy it since I wrote it" Pablo laughs walking over to his bed taking the cupcake out of the container.

The new couple sat on the bed laughing and joking for the rest of the night talking about whatever came to their minds.

Pablo was over to the moon. He finally had her. The girl of his dreams. And he sure wasn't going to lose her.

A/n: hi lovely! What did you think?

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