Twenty two

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3rd person

Isabel turns on her bed to be met with a still wide awake Pablo.
"Goodmorning" she whispers.
Pablo glances over at her.
"Goodmorning Mi amor" he grins.
Isabel scoots closer to him, resting her head on his chest.
"What time is it?" She asks. Pablo shows her his phone. 7:43am.
Isabel sits up, stretching then wiggling her way out of her bed. Pablo following behind her, into the bathroom.
He sits on the counter as he watches her brush her teeth and wash her face.
"We should go to the beach" he suggests.
Isabel nods "sure, what time are you going home?"
Pablo thinks for a bit, "I'll probably leave at like 4"
"Okay, we can have an early morning beach trip?"
Pablo agrees then hops off the counter, leaving the room.
Isa quickly finishes up before following him out and heading to her bed to find a bathing suit.
She pulls out her navy blue bikini top with black bottoms. She hears her front door shuts which confuses the girl and she walks out to see Pablo sat down on her couch with a bag.
"Did you leave?" She frowns
He nods "yeah, went down the street to that small shop to by a swimsuit...I texted you, love" he chuckles
Isabel nods and walks back to her room, grabbing her phone and he didn't lie. He had texted her.
She places her phone down and takes out shorts and a short sleeved button up shirt. Quickly putting on her bathing suit then the shorts and shirt on top. She grabs her beach bag, packing towels, beach blankets, body sunscreen and a few snacks.
"Pablo let's go so we can go eat before we go to the beach" she announces, slipping on her sandals.
Pablo walks out of the bathroom in his blue swim trunks and his black shirt that he wore previously.
"I only have my airforces" he mutters looking down his feet.
The girl walks past him into the bathroom to grab her face sunscreen.
"It'll be fine"
She grabs her boyfriends hand, handing him her bag and she grabs her keys and they make their way of the apartment building.
The girl drives them to a cafe, near the beach so they could go enjoy a nice breakfast.
They sit at the table and talk, Isa sipping away on a cold brew coffee as her a Pablo shared a rather large omelette.
After paying the pill and walking to the beach, having parked her car right in front.
Pablo takes off his shoes and socks digging his feet into the sand.
"for free?" The girl whispers remembering seeing something on Tiktok about how toes are weird.
"Hm?" Pablo hums looking at her.
She shakes her head, taking his hand and walking to what she thought was the perfect spot. It was currently 9:20, the sun shined bright on the pair as they set up their blanket.
The two sit on the blanket watching the waves splash as they wait since they just ate.
"Face me" Isabel says tapping Pablo.
Pablo shifts to look at his girlfriend who was currently grabbing something from her bag.
Isabel pulls out her face sunscreen and reaches over to remove Pablo's glasses before plot sunscreen on his face.
"Rub" she instructs him before doing the same to her self.
"Did I get it all?" He ask looks at her.
Still rubbing the sunscreen around her face, she looks over at her boyfriend and chuckles.
"On the sides" she tells him.
He keeps rubbing before looking at her again with a questioning look on her face.
Isabel smiles at him before reaching up and rubbing in the spots of sunscreen he missed.
"There, did I get all of mine?" She asks.
He looks around her face then nods.


The couple gave themselves around 20 minutes to chill on the sad before they finally decided to get into the water. Not before Isabel made sure to layer herself and Pablo in sunscreen. Besides confined spaces, skin cancer is get bigger fear. and Pablo's back burns very easy so.

Her and Pablo run to the water, him saying that the last one their "doesn't get to pay" the next time they go out.
He reaches the water first. Turning around and splashing the running girl behind him.
"You're a cheater!" She laughs splashing him back.
"How?" He asks as he throws himself into the waters
"You're a football player. A midfielder!" She says once her comes back up.
Pablo shrugs reaching over to her and pulling her to him.
"You used to be a midfielder" he says wrapping her into a hug.
"Used to." She points out.
Pablo smiles, hastily picking her up and throwing her into the water.
"Pablo!" She laughs as she resurfaces, only to quickly knocked out again by a wave.
Pablo burst out laughing at his girlfriend but reaches down to stand her up, moving the wet hair suck on her forehead back.
"The caught me off guard" she chuckles.
"Yeah I can tell" he wipes of the dripping water off her face.

The girl starts swimming further out in the water where she was now mostly floating but could still slight graze the sand underneath. She loved the ocean, her dad would bring her every chance they would get in the summer growing up, she never dared go in any further though.

Pablo stands a little closer to sore then the girl. The water reaching to his shoulder if he stood up.
"Amor, don't go super far out" he calls to the blue eyed girl.
"Okay!" She replies before diving into the water then swimming up next to Pablo. Wrapping her legs around his torso and around around his neck.
"Hola" he says wrapping her arm around her.

The two go over to where Isabel previously was as they swim around before deciding that they should take a small break In the most shallow end.

"What time do you leave tomorrow" Isabel asks and she floats in front of him.
" you want to take me to the airport?" He asks gripping her legs and slowly guides her to him.
She nods "yeah, sure. I can pick you up at 2:30?"
she says getting up from her position and sitting next to him in the water.
He leans in and places a small kiss to her lips.

A/n: little beach day
Tysm for 200 votes!! 🫶🏼🫶🏼

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