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3rd person

"Okay, I'm going to get going my ride his here" Pablo says pressing another kiss to Isabels lips.
Isabels heart felt a little heavy thinking about the fact that he going away for over a month but she was proud and happy for him non the less.
"Te amo" he whispers holding her close.
"Te amo mas" she smiles.
Pablo pulls away sand walks to the door.
"I'll text you when I get to the airport, okay?" He says.
Isabel nods and waved at him goodbye before he closes the door behind him.
Pablo walks down the stairs of her apartment building, making his way outside where his mom and dad were waiting for him.
"Hola" he said getting into the car.
"Hi mijo" his parents says.
"Are you excited" his mom asked.
Pablo nods.

The whole plane ride Pablo was annoyed. His flight had gotten delayed 4 hours! so instead of leaving at 7, he left at 11. He quickly gets off the plane grabbing his bag then making his way outside to wait for the Uber he got. He sighs and looks down at the time, it's 12:27. He sighs and sits their debating to call his girlfriend, knowing that she'd most like be asleep. He scrolls to her contacts and click on her name. She'll kill him for not call after his flight though.

Calling Bella 💕


Hola amor, what are you up too ?

I fell asleep watching a movie

Oh I'm sorry for waking you up, I just
wanted to let you know I'm here

no you're okay amor ,thank you for calling
what are you doing?

waiting for my Uber
I'm starving i haven't ate anything

Make sure to eat when you get your apartment.

Mhm yeah.. Isa are you okay? It sounds like you been cry

I'm okay , just tried

oh okay go to sleep, I'll text you when I wake up. Bunas Noches te amo

Bunas noches , te amo mas

call with Bella 💕 ended

Pablo body is filled with a feeling of uncertainty. He knew something was off. He could feel it.
He tries shaking it off once his uber pulls up

Meanwhile back home Isabel's chest filled with guilt at the lie she had just told her boyfriend . She hasn't been watching a movie and fallen asleep.
The girl placed her phone down on the table a wipes her drying tears off her face.
Her mom and her siblings were currently asleep in her room as she sat in the living room.
Her mom phone which she had left to her non stop ringing with messages and calls from her dad.
she sighs when the memory of what she had been told not more then 30 minutes ago crosses her mind.
She shakes her head in disappointment at how life just took a quick sharp turn down hill out of nowhere.
she lays down on her couch, pulling her blanket over over herself a drifts onto a sleepless night.

Isabel had managed to get 1 hour of sleep last night which was honestly better then nothing in her opinion.
She sits up on her couch, the rising sun pealing from her curtains.
6 am, her clock read.
She stands up to go to the restroom to get ready for then day. Then goes back to the couch and scrolls through her reels


New message from
Pablito <3

saw that you're active on insta
why are you up so early?

just decided to start and early day today
i hope you have a good day at training
say hi to the boy for me
and tell pedri to suck
dick for leaving without saying

are youre okay ?

yes? im fine. i just hold resentment
cause my bestie left without saying bye.

you seem very aggressive for 6 am

im fine Pablo 💀

be honest with you amor I don't believe you.
pablo instincts.

everything is fine

read 6:07

The rest of the day goes by in a blur. Isabel trying her best to distract her brothers from the obvious distress that their mother is in. Multiple miss calls and texts from her dad on her moms phone.

"Why don't we bake some cookies for Mami" Isa suggest standing up from her couch.

The boys happily get up and rush to the kitchen to make their mom a batch of her favorite cookies.
"We can decorate them too? With Mami's favorite colors?" Sasha asks.

Isabel nods her head and takes out all the things the they need.
"Of course bebe"
"and you have to remember to add your love" Milan points out to his sister.
Growing up, the girls family had always told her that she makes the best cookies ever and one day Milan asked her what her secret was. He was only about 4 at the time but the girl responded with 'my love for you all' and he's just gone with it ever since.
"Why don't we all add some love today" she offers.
The boys nod in agreement.

A/n: that's all I really gonna mention of the situation guys 👍🏼

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