The teen couple walk into a fancy restaurant hand in hand.
"Reservations for Gavira" Pablo tells the lady.
"For 2?" She replies.
He nods.
The lady lead them over to a table in the back of the restaurant away from any windows.
Pablo pulls out Isabel's seat for her before sitting in his own.
"Thank you" the couple tell the waiter.
The lady smiles kindly at them before excusing herself telling them that she'll be back in a moment.Isabel grabs the menu, her eyes slightly widen at the price of such small items.
She heard Pablo mumble something, causing her to look up.
"Hm?" She hums at him.
Pablo looks up to meet her eyes and he shakes his head and smiles at her.
"Nothing, do you know what you're going to get?" He asks.
Isabel looks down at the menu and shakes her head.
Everything was so expensive for the tiny portions they came in.it's not that neither of them could afford it..it's that it simple wasn't worth it.
"Pablo"Pablo looks back up at his girlfriend.
Instant guilt filled her, remembering how Pablo went out of his way to bring her to such a beautiful restaurant.
She smiles at him.
"Thank you, for being the best boyfriend ever" she says, reaching out to hold his hand.
Pablo smiles at her, squeezing her hand in his.
"Te amo""Te amo mas" she replies.
After a few more minutes of silence, Pablo speaks up.
"Do you want to leave and go somewhere less expensive?" He asks.
Isabel let out a sigh of relief.
"Yes, I didn't want to seem selfish by saying anything because this place truly is beautiful"Pablo laughs, pulling out a 10 euro bill for the inconvenience, before the couple stand ups and quickly scurry away back to the girls car.
"Where shall we go?" She ask, starting up her car.
"KFC?" He grins.
Isabel laughs and starts backing up.They make it to KFC, ordering from the drive through before parking in an empty parking lot, eating their chicken.
"This is so good" Pablo moans, biting into his chicken leg.
"Best date ever" Isabel replies biting into her chicken sandwich.Pablo reaches over grabbing their large shared drink taking a long sip.
"Fuck fancy restaurants"
The pair start giggles like little kids as they continue to enjoy their 'fancy meal'..
."Where to now?" Isabel ask as they throw their stuff away.
They make their way back to the car, Pablo pulling out his phone with the GPS set up."Follow" he told her.
They girl nods and they start making their way to the address.
"A bowling ally?" Isa chuckles parking in front of the build.
Pablo nods happily.
Isabel laughs. Pure joy in her heart.
They get out of the car and walk hand in hand into the ally."Wait- I don't have socks" she stops.
Pablo grins at her, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a pair of his Nike socks for her.
"Literally the best" she mumbles taking the socks from his hand, placing a small kiss to his lips.The couple go in a get their shoes before heading over to their assigned lane.
Isabel sits down, ready to take her heels off when Pablo stops her, crouching down in front of her.
"Don't want you lifting your legs in that tiny dress" he jokes.Isabel rolls her eyes as he starts removing her heels and replacing them with his socks and bowling shoes.
"Ready to lose?" He taunts standing up straight.

His daughter // Pablo Gavi
Fanfiction⚠️ NOT EDITED⚠️ most likely a LOT of miss types and I'm SO sorry. "I remember when I first saw you.." "You sat right infront of me and yeah I was only 10 but I thought you were the most gorgeous girl ever" ..... What happens when a certain football...