Thirty one

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Thankfully the rest of the day had passed and the girls fever minimize.

Waving goodbye and a thanking the girls mom and siblings as they left for the day. Saying that they'll be back tomorrow to check on her.

It was currently 8pm and Isabel sat up on her bed, sipping at the Caldo de Pollo her mom had made her.
Pablo gets in bed with her, wrapping his arm around her shoulder as she ate her meal.
"Te sientes mejor?" He asks.
She shrugs looking at him.
"better then earlier, I don't feel like throwing up anymore"
Pablo's kisses the side of her head.
"I'm glad"
Isabel sets her bowl on her nightstand before laying her head on Pablo's shoulder.
"What do you want for your birthday?" She ask.
Pablo looks down at her and shakes his head.
"I don't want anything amor" he tells her, causing the girl to look up at him.
"But I need to get you something? You bought me a bouquet of my favorite flowers and bought me a necklaces with a "P" on it." She said.
Pablo chuckles.
"I don't want anything, I promise.
Spending the date with you, and my family is all I want. Okay?" He reassures.
The girl nods, getting comfortable again.
As if I'm not going to buy him anything.

"Are you stay the night?" She questions.
"Yeah, I want to make sure you're fever doesn't spike again"

Isabel wraps an around around his chest as she laid on his shoulder.
"I sure got lucky with such a caring boyfriend"

"The luckiest"


Days later

"Happy birthday!" Isabel yells jumping into her bed, where Pablo sat getting ready to sleep.
Pablo chuckles turning to face the girl.
Isabel quickly wraps her arms around him, holding him close.
"Thank you Amor" he smiles as he holds her.
"I can legally drink now"

Isabel pulls away and starts pampering him with kisses.
Pablo laughs pushing her away.
"Let's go to sleep because I have training" he chuckles.
"But it's your birthday" she smiles.

Pablo shakes his head, reaching obstante turn the lights off.
"Come here"
Isabel playfully rolls his eyes, snuggling into his arms before drifting off into a peaceful sleep.


Isabel places Pablos breakfast out for him as he starts making his way to the kitchen.

"Goodmorning" he whispers, walking over to the girl, placing a kiss on her lips.
"I made you breakfast" she smiles at him.

Pablo kisses her cheek sitting down in his chairs.
"Gracias Mi Amor."

Isabel sits next to him with her own plate.
"So you drop me off, mom picks me up, then we go to dinner at 7, then I come back home with you then out to the club?" he spoke out.
Isabel nods remembering the whole routine for today.

The pair quickly finish eating before they head out the apartment door to the blue eyed girls car. Heading off to the training center.

"I'll see you later" she tells him as he gets out.
He quickly leans back in and places a kiss to her lips.
"I'll see you" he smiles, closing the door and walking off with his stuff into the building.




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Liked by shakira, pedri and 978,999,564Isabel

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Liked by shakira, pedri and 978,999,564
Isabel.pique: happy 18th birthday to mi favorito modelo @pablogavi

comments are limited

shakria: que lindo

pablogavi: I'll steal bella hadids job any day 😤
pedri @pablogavi: real

alejandrobalde: birthday boyyyy

a/n: I haven't been motivated to write. Idk why my pictures keeps disappearing

His daughter // Pablo GaviWhere stories live. Discover now