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3rd person

Pablo stirs from his spot on the couch when the smell of food hits his nose. He sits up stretching before lazily making his wake to the kitchen where his girlfriend stood cooking.
"Buenos Dias " she hums happily before flipping the pancakes.
"Buenos Dias" Pablo response in a husky voice. Walking over to her, wrapping his arms around her from behind as she cooked.
"Looks good" he says against her shoulders.
She smiles and turned her head perking up her lips for a kiss but he denies saying that he needs to go brush his teeth.
Isabel keeps cooking pancakes a recipe she had found on google. Whole Pablo brushes brushes his teeth with a spare brush his girlfriend gave him.
walking out of the bath he goes over to the small island that's in the kitchen where pancakes were set.
Isabel pulls out some fruit and juice setting it on the table.

"You got yourself a gourmet meal" she smiles.
Pablo smiles at Isabel, taking a plate and putting 2 pancakes on it then drenching them with syrup.
he doesn't eat pancakes very often but when he does he eats till he can't anymore.
"Pablo I think that's enough syrup" Isabel said reaching out to grab the syrup for the boys hands.
Pablo shrugged before cutting into them, then taking a big bite.
"Mhm" he moaned.
Isabel side eyes her boy at the noise he just made.
"These are so good amor" he says with a mouth full of pancake.
"I'm glad you like them so much" she laughs at him.
The couple sits their eating, Pablo eating most of the pancakes on his own, not after asking Isabel if she wanted more, only have eaten one which the girl said no to even though it was a lie. She just thought it was so cute how much he was enjoying them.
After breakfast
Pablo helps Isabel clean up their dishes.
"What should I wear tomorrow?" She asks him, referring to Xavi's get together.
"Whatever you want you'll look good" he says.
Isa blushes at his comment.
"Thank you but seriously, it's going to be mostly adults I don't know what to wear. I want to look mature but my age you know" she says drying her hands.
Pablo looks at her after shoving a cracker in his mouth.
"Wear that one white dress with small purple flowers, it's cute on you" he says wiping his mouth.
Isabel pulls out her phone and looks for the picture shes taken in that dress and shows it to Pablo.
He nods "yeah, then heels? your black one because your white ones make us the same height"
Isabel chuckles.
"Oh! Curl your hair maybe? I love when you curl your hair it feels so soft and fluffy" he smiles.
"Thank you for saving me time and styling me in under 6 minutes" she chuckles.
Pablo leans down and kisses her cheek then blowing small raspberries.




I stand in front of the mirror looking at my outfit.
Pablo did good I thought.
I grab mg bag then walks out of my room to the living room where Pablo sat on my phone waiting for me.
"Pablito let's good" i says.
Pablo looks up at me his eyes soften when he saw me.
"You looks great" he says standing up.
I blush.
"Thanks to you" I says walking over to him, and fix his hair.
He was wearing a simple knitted black sweatshirt with white cargo jeans and white shoes.
"Why are you on my phone?" I ask taking it from his hand. It's not the first time Pablo has been on my phone and frankly I didn't care, I had nothing to hide. I just want to know why he goes on it so much.
"I was playing a game"
I nods at him.
Me and Pablo haven't had any problems in our relationship these last 6 months so their was no reason not to trust him. Plus he allows her to go on his phone whenever she wants, she just rarely does.

We make it to my car, the first thing Pablo does is change the radio station like always.
I pull out of the parking garage the start making my way to Xavi's house.

I gather my things, Pablo holding the car door opened for me as he waits.
"Thank you" I tell him stepping out.
We make our way to the door knocking on it.
Xavi answer it and quickly greets us leading us to where the party is.
I greet everyone then sit next to Pablo on the couch who was eating away at the snacks that had been set in front of them.
"Is your dad coming Isabel" Xavi's wife ask.
I nod "yeah I think so"

Slowly most and most players, and staff members filling in. Isabel had greeted her parents giving them a tight hug before the teens eventually moving up Xavi's porch.
Ansu, Ale, Pedri, Pablo, torre and me, even eric for a while. We all just sat talking and joking about some of the things that have happened this season.
"Remember when Gavi threw himself head first to get a ball?" Alejandro laughs clapping his hands.
"He didn't even get it" Pedri replies.
Ansu speaks up.
"When pique fell face first during training"
I cover my face "he gets so defensive when people bring that up"
"I would too" Torre says
"You guys made fun of the Poor guys for a whole week" he chuckles.
Eventually a few adults started joining us all joining in on sharing their favorite memories for this season and what they hope for in the next one.
Pablo tried sneaking drinks the old night because also wanted to "have fun" but Lewy kept a close eye on his saying that he can't mess his diet up to bad.
Pablo sits next to him, his arm wrapped around my shoulder as we listened to everyone around us talk about random daily life things.
Pablo leans to her, pressing a small kiss on her hair.

A/n: Im so tired

His daughter // Pablo GaviWhere stories live. Discover now