and the time has finally came. The USA tour Isabel has been looking forward to almost all summer starts the moment her and her father step foot out of this car to go to meet the others in the airport.
"I am so excited" she exclaims.
Her dad smiles at her as they pull up to the airport.
Getting out of the car the pair grab their suit case and their backpack and start heading their way to the private jet.Once their they happily greet everybody who had arrived before Xavi calls the girl over.
"Okay, here's so paper work that you have to fill out about the players before each game" he tells her. She nods, it wasn't too bad.
"But for now can you help me hide some of the snacks in the plane?" He questioned.
"Very unhealthy and some of the boys have no self control" he explains.
Isa nods and walks into the plane with him.
They quickly rearrange the snacks so it wouldn't look like they moved anything and moved the so called unhealthy snacks behind a counter.
"These are for us" he whispers.
Isabel nods loving the idea."Gavi!" She hears a voice yell from outside.
She hears Pablo happily greet us teammates before popping the question everyone knew was coming.
"Where Isabel?"Xavi chuckles and motions for the girl to go to get boyfriend.
Not even questioning Isa walks to the entrance of the plane, quickly catching Pablo's eyes as his frown turns into a smiles at the sight of the girl.
She walks down the stairs and Pablo walks to her pulling her into a tight hug.
"Que Bonitos" someone said, causing everyone to laugh.
Pablo presses a kiss to the girls cheek before pulling away.
"Te extrañé" she tells him
"Yo más amor" he smiles at her."Isabel!" Isa turns her head to see Torre and Alejandro walking to her.
She quickly hugs the both of them, not having seen them in what seems forever.
"Where's Pedri- Hi guys!" She was cut off by the boy she was just asking for, as he walked up to where everyone was, waving at the group."I manifested him" she whispers to her Boyfriend, causing him to laugh.
.Once on the Plane, the couple sat together as they watched TikToks on the girls phone, the boy leaning into the girls shoulder.
"Wait-go back" he whispers, swiping back to the previous video."How long is this plane ride?" She asks him.
He shrugs not really knowing. "8 hours maybe"
She nods and goes back to her phone.
A video saying 'show this to your boyfriend and let him pick what you'd chose'
Being a girlfriend to a boyfriend she moved the phone to Pablo's face wanting an answer.
He was quick to respond to all of them, the girl being quite happy with what he chose.
"You know me so well" she nods.
"Of course I do, amor" he chuckles.
."Oh thank god, that felt so much longer then 8 hours" Pablo complains as he steps out of the plane, his and his girlfriend's backpack swung over his shoulder as he lead the drowsy girl In front if him, barely awake, away from the plane.
"I told you to wake her up 30 minutes before we landed" her dad says, walking over to the pair taking her daughter from the boy.
Pablo shrugs, he was going to put she looked so peaceful so he just let her sleep.
It was night time in Miami when they arrived, meaning that they would go straight to their hotel.Isabel practically drags herself to the bus, plopping down in the first seat she saw, not being able to wait to get to the hotel.
Pablo walks over to her, setting their backpacks on the floor before handing the girl his neck pillow.
"I actually kinda feel like shit" she mutters.
Pablo chuckles at her, rubbing her arm in a comfort manner.At the hotel, they all went their separate ways, the girl not even bothering to change out of her clothes as she falls flat on her bed.
She grabs her phone quickly setting and alarm for 7:30 am, that's gives her a good 6 hours to sleep till they had to get going on press stuff and training before the game tomorrow.Waking up to banging on her door. Isabel angrily gets up off her bed and swings it open to see Pablo standing outside with a wide smile.
"Goodmorning"The girl groans and walks back to her bed, falling face first into the covers.
"It's 7" He tells her sitting down on the corner of the bed.
"You woke me up 30 minutes early" she complains.
"Let's go I'm hungry" he tells her, standing up and walking to her bag, pulling out an outfit for her.
He throws the clothes on her bed, clapping his hands to hurry the girl up."Vamos! Up we go. Go shower." He claps.
The girl groans into the bed. "Pablo" she muffled before getting pulled up by her boyfriend.
"Rise and shine mi amor"Pablo hastily picks the girl up and sets her standing up on the floor, grabbing her clothes and shoving them In her arms and starts gently pushing her to the bathroom.
Hearing the water start running, Pablo runs and plops down on the bed, turning on the TV as he waits for his girlfriend to get ready for the day.
He had planned for them to head down to the beach to watch the sunset later that day before dinner.
He hears the water turn off and after a couple of minutes Isabel comes out of the bathroom, changed and with light makeup on. Her wet hair brush but left naturally.
"Ready?" He asks the girl who was scrunching water out of her hair.
She nods, grabbing her claw clip snd putting her wet hair up.
Pablo walks out the front door, his girlfriend following right behind him as the pair make their way down to the cafe in the lobby to get their day started.A/n: <3

His daughter // Pablo Gavi
Fanfiction⚠️ NOT EDITED⚠️ most likely a LOT of miss types and I'm SO sorry. "I remember when I first saw you.." "You sat right infront of me and yeah I was only 10 but I thought you were the most gorgeous girl ever" ..... What happens when a certain football...