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Chapter summary:
> Killer was sitting alone in the backgarden of Nightmare's Castle. His dear companion joins him late at night till dawn. They both talk about Killer's feelings, and the hopes of his love be returned.

> This occurred before their relationship, and this is not a part of my first book.

Requested by: None

Author: Ai2KiKuo

Killer was silently sitting on the grassy floor on the back garden. He stared at the echo flower blankly with no thoughts in his mind. What has he been feeling lately? He does not understand these feelings himself. Is it positive? He was not sure. He sighed in discontent, pulling his knees to his chest. He was so confused, why would he be sitting outside at twelve o'clock? He knew this would only make him at least calmer to recollect himself.

". . . Killer. . ?"

A soft voice spoke. Killer turned his head to see his companion. She walked cautiously and then sat beside him.

"Are you alright? Why do you look so down at this hour?. . ."

She said, her face and voice etched with concern. Her dark white outlined pupils darted to observe any physical responses that Killer may show.

"Kira. . . Wh- . . . I. . . am alright. . ."

Killer's eyes lowered, seemingly upset. Or, obviously. A comfortable silence was present between the two, with the echo flowers resplendent under the faint glow of the moonlight. Kira, who received no convincing response, had narrowed her eyes at him.

"Killer. . . You do know we can talk about it, right?"

She said, settling her hand under Killer's in a gentle way. She never failed to put Killer in awe. Her aura, her presence, was comforting. A smile that never failed to warm him in. Yet, behind that soft, constructed smile was a figure. A figure made of lies. And it impressed him. How could she construct such a beleivable expression and such words just to comfort someone? He was impressed.

". . . I am just confused in things. . . That is all."

Killer said, facing Kira in the eyes. A small chuckle came from her. She looked at him in the eyes.

". . . Are you sure?"

She asked, staring deeply at Killer's void-like eyes. He, for some reason, froze. He knows his response yet can not form the words on his throat. He struggled speaking, his mouth opened slightly. He could not bring himself to lie.

"See? What have I told you?"

She said, chuckling lightly. Killer sighed in defeat. He could barely speak at that moment. Why?

". . . I do not understand myself. My feelings. I feel. . . Lost."

Kira smiled warmly at him, patting his back gently. She took a moment of thought as if understanding her dear companion's condition.

"What would you feel if. . . I try to help you understand them? I have been feeling more lost than normal recently. I can try to relate."

She spoke with a soft voice, smiling warmly at him. Killer thought for a moment. This 'talk' may help both of them and can/maybe help him understand more about emotions. With slight hesitation, he nodded in agreement.

"Alright then, what have you been feeling lately that troubles your thoughts?"

"Well. . . Recently, I would feel warm inside just by being close to this someone. . . It has been driving me insane to feel so desperate for them. . . I do not understand why."

His eyes narrowed as he looked away to stare at an echo flower close to his feet. He brought up his hand, brushing the soft blue petals.

"Hmm. . . Is that so. . . Well, have you had someone in the past that you feel warm inside or similar to what you are feeling now?"

". . . My brother. Although he is gone."

"Oh. . . W-well, did this 'someone' help you before?"

". . . He did. . ."

She smiled a little. The thought made him feel warm inside, yet his did not notice.

"Was it something you needed so much?"

". . . Yes. . ."

His target-like soul glowed a little brighter than it was earlier.

". . . My, I think I know what you are feeling. Tho I am not sure."

"Do tell me."

He turned his head towards her, showing that he became more attentive than before.

"You might be falling in love."

". . ."

"Why would you think that?"

He asked, his cheek showing a faint crimson blush. Due to this, it made her chuckle lightly in delight.

"You seem happy thinking of what 'He' has done for/to you. You show a small smile and even sound happier than you are."

". . ."

He was then struck with realisation, leaving him flustered. His reaction made Kira laugh lowly but heartedly at him.

"My, who is this special someone you fell for?"

She giggled, looking at him, who had covered his face with his hands.

". . . You may or may not be pleased with my answer."

"I am quite sure he is a perfect fit for you, so tell me."

". . ."

Killer sighed in nervousness, glancing at his companion with worry and embarrassment.

"His name is. . ."

. . .



One-shots for Nightkiller (NightKill Is Centered But There Are Others Mixed)Where stories live. Discover now