~《"Fate Led us Together"》~

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Killer is a 'she' in this Au :]
[Some side ships may be involved]

Caution: inappropriate words, gore(?) Death and some sensitive topics.

Assassin!Nightmare x Assassin!Killer
Requested/Idea by: -Ledyneko-

"So, will you be able to handle him?"

A man in a tuxedo spoke darkly, intertwining his hands and resting his chin. His eyes narrowed towards the woman sitting in front of him.

"I will have no problem. Although, what do I get in return?"

The woman asked with a dull tone, tilting her head slightly to her right, her soot black eyes empty with a small smile.

"Of course, the question I have been waiting for."

The man stood up, his lean shape forming a shadow as he walked behind the woman and came back with a big jet black  suitcase being laid gently in front of the lady.

"Dear Kiarah(Killer) Rowena, will you be willing to assassinate Briar Winson for five hundred thousand (input currency) as your reward?"

". . . You have yourself a deal."

Kiarah spoke in an amused tone, slowly pulling the suitcase to her and opening it to take a small peek. A small smirk appeared in her face while staring at the man with small satisfaction.


"How did the deal go?"

A lady asked who was sitting in an office chair in front of a desk, occupied by a computer and a mouse, a warm mug of black coffee, and a small cactus with a small red flower on top. She eyed Kiarah, who was lighting a cigarette stick with a lighter.

"It went well. How is your company, Ione(eye-on [Ink] )?"

Ione sighed as she leaned against her office chair, grabbing the mug gently and taking a small sip before responding.

"I suppose everything is under in great condition. How many times have I told you not to smoke?"

She glared a little at Kiarah as she saw her roll her eyes slightly.

"Be thankful I don't do it often."

"Yeah, right."

Ione replied with sarcasm. Until they heard a voice coming close to the door frame of the office.

"What the - who, for stars sake, is smoking at ten pm?"

Someone nearly scolded, a figure approached the middle of the room, wailing their other hand to shoo of the smoke while the other held a stack of papers, documents, and scrolls. They reached Ione's desk and slammed the pile of papers in front of her in a small fit of annoyance.

"Have I not told you to tell Kiarah to stop smoking?"

The woman appeared to be pissed at Ione, glaring at her.

"I told her, but she won't listen. You know she never does, especially on me, Jane(Geno)."

Ione stood up, heading off to multiple cabinets near to her right and pulled out a drawer. She started rummaging through it and pulled out a loaded folder, headed off to her desk again, and handed it to Jane with an emotionless look.

"Your dear lover, send me this to you as a somewhat information of the dark assassinator."

Jane hesitantly took the folder and flipped through random pages, her eyes widened in shock, nearly dropping the thick folder.

"What in the name of stars is this!"

She hurriedly took a photocard that was clipped on the folder and shoved it on Ione's face. Catching Kiarah's attention and smuggling the cigarette on the cigar ashtray that was placed near the couch she sat on. Ione snatched the photo, and her jaw dropped to see who it was.

"Is this an actual raw picture of that cold assassinator!?"

"I-It seems s-so. . . He left a side note that he managed to escape without being caught. . . He had to leave a few people behind for it. . . That man, I swear. . ."

Kiarah stood up and took a peek behind the petite woman to see a slightly blurred photo of a dark man dropping a lit match with sable black hair. His dull cyan eye and a thin diamond shard shape of a black pupil with white outlines glared down.

"So the rumours are actually true."

She said, a hint of interest in her voice. As Kiarah spoke behind Ione, she jolted through shock, giving her a good shake behind her back due to her calm yet dark voice.

"S-stop doing that!"

Ione huffed, rubbing her chest in a circular motion before sighing.

"Raven(Reaper) also said that he will be back tomorrow. . . Keep him away from my company, Jane."

"Heard it."

Jane sluggishly dropped to the couch as Kiarah snatched the picture from Ione, earning a breathy cuss before she returned to her mug of coffee.

"About that deal you made with Robert, Kiarah. . . What are you gonna do after?"

Ione stared at the open balcony beside her desk as she mindlessly watched the small dots of colourful lights die down slowly.

"Kill him. And you clean up the mess like always."

Kiarah stared at the small cactus on the smaller's desk. Turning towards Jane to see her mindlessly staring at the ceiling in complete silence. She turned to the petite woman once again.

"And you promised me a new set of knives."

Ione sighed, her warm breath visible in the cold air. She turned around, laying the mug back in her desk and gently sitting down.

"If you finish the given task, I will give you your new set of knives. And, bring that fuckers head on my desk. I'll share whatever that dickhead has."

She said, her voice full with an acidic emotion of hatred. A malicious smile crept on her face as her eyes darkened, no longer a yellow and blue colour eyes, now similarly an oil black eyes with iron grey pupils, white outlines glistening faintly in the dark.


One-shots for Nightkiller (NightKill Is Centered But There Are Others Mixed)Where stories live. Discover now