Chapter one

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I lit my last cigarette and shifted the gear into first. As the car started picking up some speed I opened the window letting out the smoke, feeling the damp and sticky air of the summer night. This air had a heavy flow to it, it was almost sickening, although I knew it wasn't the air really that was making me feel like this, it was the atmosphere of summer evenings like this in general.


"Trust me, just close your eyes and inhale. Cassie! It's just a cigarette and you better take a drag, as i almost got my ass caught nicking it from my dad's pack." I said looking at her with a fake angry face.

"You know, my mother will not be too pleased that I'll be coming home this late, and now I'm worrying that she will smell this one on me." she looked at me dragging out of the cig with a sort of anxious but somehow relaxed look on her face.
'Fuck, there it was, that smile of hers, those lips around the butt of the cigarette, and those fucking eyes looking right at me' slowly exhaling the smoke out while leaning her head back.

"You know, you can be such a prude sometimes." I took the cig from her putting it between my lips knowing damn well that, that was the only time I'd ever be close to touching her actual lips. I could feel the wetness that her lips left on the cigarette. While dragging it slowly I could feel myself getting flustered, although i knew she wouldn't notice, as it was increasingly getting darker outside.

"I need to get home Sydney" she said while pushing a strand of hair behind her ear. "I know." I stumped on the cig looking at it as its lit tip went from a bright orange to becoming one with the harsh asphalt.

"Well get on then."
As she sat on the bicycle behind me, she tapped me on the back "you better not crash, this... thing is as old as your nan." She said trying to hold in a laugh.
"Now not only have you insulted this beast of a bike, but you have also insinuated that I don't know how to ride properly." I said in a fake hurt voice. "I will get you home safe princess" I laughed. I felt her arms wrap around my waist as i started pedalling, the streets were all empty and it was just us cruising along the road on our way to her house. 'Fuck, that feeling, whatever it was, it was encapsulating me, making me feel small, agitated and anxious.'

The ride didn't take long in terms of time, but it sure felt like years. It was certainly uncomfortable for me, not in a grotesque way of any kind, but in an uneasy way.

"That's you." I said as we arrived.
As we were walking down the porch I could see that her house was only partially illumined from the inside, perhaps it was her mother waiting on her, or it was her older brothers in their rooms having sex or something.
"Now don't be acting all sad, you know as soon as I'm in my room I'll be waiting on you to get home so you can call me' she said twirling her hair.
"Uh oh, are you in love with me, will you be twirling your hair around your fingers like you are now while waiting on your bed for my call?" I teased.
"Shut up Sydney, you know our gossip gets quite interesting and even intricate at night." She said giving me a light nudge on the shoulder.

"Yeah...' i muttered almost as a whisper. "I'll let you know when I'm home, now you go and take a shower before your mum catches a whiff of my 'bad influence' on you."

Ladies, gents and any folks that do not identify as a specific gender, a very warm welcome to this story and i hope you will be enjoying it.

I am a first time fiction writer, a raging lesbian and most importantly a law student so if you do not like my story expect me to bring legal action against you. But for real do read and give me constructive criticism.

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