Chapter fourteen

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I'm sorry in advance for taking so long, I have been so awfully busy with uni and life in general.

Thank you all for still reading and I will try my best to keep consistently posting.

Enjoy :)

M. xxx

I woke up thinking that whatever happened the night before was just a dream. I wish it had been a dream, because I dreaded the idea of having to think of the consequences of it, having to face the reality of this beautiful sunny morning, but it wasn’t a dream, of course it wasn’t otherwise her naked body wouldn’t have been pressed so firmly against my own; causing me to feel these damned butterflies and turning me on so fucking much; our  legs wouldn’t have been so intimately intertwined under the sheets, making me want to turn to her and wake her up with a passionate kiss; her breath wouldn’t be hitting the crook of my neck, sending shivers all over my body.

I moved slightly towards her in order to fully face her as she was still fast asleep.
She was so fucking beautiful, unimaginably naturally beautiful and while looking at her I, for the life of me couldn’t decide if I was the luckiest or unluckiest person in the world. 

So lucky that I got a taste of her. So fucking lucky that I was the one that got her sweating and panting under me last night, making her cry in absolute ecstasy. So lucky that I knew I could turn her on so badly anytime I wanted to.

And so fucking unlucky because everything about her was like a drug that I was starting to get addicted to. So unlucky that she, herself, could make me want her anytime she would decide to, her body could literally put me on my knees and make me beg to touch and feel her.

I had to stop staring, I couldn’t risk her catching me in this act of self-destructive contemplation.
I kissed her forehead and got out of the bed, leaving her to sleep some more.

Before going down to make some breakfast I showered and brushed my teeth. I needed to clear up my mind whatever the fuck that meant.

Once downstairs I put some music on and lit a ciggie as I started preparing some pancake mix. She loved blueberry pancakes and I... well, I wanted to make her happy.

As I was cooking, I felt a pair of eyes burning holes into my back, but I didn’t want to turn around, simply because I hated the idea of any potential awkwardness, so I just pretended to not have noticed her silent presence behind me.

But she started moving slowly towards me. I took a deep breath in and closed my eyes while turning over a pancake.
I could feel her closeness to me, it’s like I had some sort of a telepathic connection to her.
She was so close to me now that I could feel her front slightly pressing against my back. Then, she put her hands on my hips and moved towards my ear. “Mhm, it smells delicious.” She whispered so fucking sensually like she was talking dirty to me.

Her touch and proximity was starting to make my head spin at the speed of light. I just wanted to turn around and kiss her senselessly, but this was still unexplored territory, and we still had no idea how the situation between us was to be handled; so I just put my hands onto hers and squeezed them.

“Take a seat, I’ll bring some pancakes over to you.” I said, ignoring my body’s craving to keep on being touched by her.
She gripped my hips harder and placed a kiss on my cheek, making me melt at the feeling of her hot lips on my skin. “Am I making you nervous Sydney?” she mumbled against my cheek.

‘You are... You’re making me go insane.” I thought to myself truthfully. “No...” I rasped nervously, clearly not being able to even trick myself into believing that she made a mush out of me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10 ⏰

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