Chapter ten

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We went to sleep, leaving everything said and unsaid at that.

When I woke up in the morning after a shitty night of sleep, I was met with the smell of burning toast.

She wasn't in bed, so it was definitely her burning toast. I promptly got out of the bed and went downstairs to actually check that it was only toast that was burning and not the whole house given that her culinary skills were those of an ape.

Once downstairs I could see her running around cursing under her breath clearly irritated by the whole ordeal cooking breakfast has caused her. Although she was pacing around the kitchen like a headless chicken, she still managed to look flawless, like she actually slept well unlike me who has been going over and over everything that has happened between us so far.

God how I wish I could have just teleported home instead of being here with her – alone with her, but no matter how much I hated being here, I couldn't help but allow myself to check her out. Fuck, those really short shorts on her and that skimpy crop top that was hugging her body perfectly weren't making the situation any easier whatsoever.

"Morning." I finally stated clearing my throat, making my presence known to her before I could let my eyes linger on her body any longer than they already have.

She turned around with a huge grin on her face. "Look who finally woke up!"

"The smell of your amazing cooking resurrected me." I stated chuckling, getting closer to where she was standing. "Need any help?" I asked, giving her a smile, trying my best not to create any awkwardness.

"You watch yourself now, don't insult me otherwise you won't eat anything at all. "She stated amused while giving me a wink. I took a deep breath in and turned around from her so I could make myself a coffee and also to hide my already reddening face. 'Being in her presence was already excruciating, her winking at me might as well just send me over the edge of my increasingly declining sanity.' I thought to myself.

"I don't eat breakfast; I drink and smoke it." I said, making my point by pouring myself a coffee and taking out a cig putting it between my lips while briefly giving her a fleeting glance. "But thanks for the implied offer, Cas." I said lighting my cigarette going towards the stereo located in her kitchen putting on 'Lavender Sunflower' by Tory Lanez. "I'll be in the garden..." I finally stated as I turned up the volume leaving Cassie in the kitchen on her own to deal with her burned toast.

Once outside in the garden I laid down on a sun bed sipping my coffee and dragging out of my cig while listening to the song which was blasting loudly throughout the house trying to assess what would be my next move – to tell her that I need to get home but I never really NEED to be home...

"Didn't know you're into R&B." Said Cassie as she followed me out of the house into the garden and now was towering over me.

"I'm into a lot of things you don't know about." I husked, smirking while exhaling my cigarette's smoke in her direction, looking up into her dark green eyes.

"That so?" She rasped under her breath maintaining our eye contact for another few seconds enough for me to start feeling that irresistible tension between us settle over me and make its way to my core before she finally moved away from towering over me to pull another sunbed so she herself could lay on. 'For fuck's sake, could you have not stayed in the house?' I thought to myself, as my heart was rapidly beating against my ribcage – I needed to contain myself.

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