Chapter seven

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Jake, gave Cassie another concerned look like ‘I'm going to take care of her if you want her to be gone.’ To which I count help but laugh.

“Jake we’re fine, aren’t we girls allowed to have our own secrets, hmm?” I questioned him with an arrogant yet amused smirk on my face as a way of trying to lighten the mood. “Seriously I was just putting Cas though a series of question about her nail varnish, it would have bored you to death if you were included in our conversation, trust me.” I followed up, this time giving him a cheeky wink – gross.

Cassie was silent still, just nodding her head here and there, perhaps the drinks were getting to her head, or this simply was getting too much for her. Anyways it was not like we were doing something inappropriate (it was just girly banter – our own girly banter with a hint of, something more between blurred lines) but anyhow I knew she was getting in her head about it.

Jake finally let go of this and gave me a half smile to then shift his eyes on Cas, who was just sipping on her cocktail, playing with her hair.

“Let’s play truth or dare, what do you think?” Matt finally addressed the whole table.

“I mean, how would we even do dares in a pub?” Cassie spoke up looking at Matt, who reddened like a ripe tomato when she addressed him. ‘Bless him, he probably never experiences an attractive female speaking to him for more than a second.’

“Right... Maybe, Never Have I Ever, what do you all think?”

“Sounds good to me!” I blurted out happily.

“Cassie, are you good with that, I mean it would help us to get to know each other more.” Jake said with a pleading look on his face. ‘Absolute perv.’ I thought, shooting him a distasteful look.

“I’m in.” Cas replied.

“Nice!!!” Jake exclaimed, clearly feeling on cloud nine. “I’ll go first, being that we should go clockwise.”

“Yeah, sure.” We all replied in unison.

“Okay... um, hmm – never have I ever skinny dipped.”  Jake said biting his chapped, crusty lips looking at me and Cassie – ‘yep, like I said, absolute perv.’

Me and Cas raised our glasses looking at each other trying not to laugh, and took a gulp without hesitation – Yeah, we have skinny dipped; together once, and we were off our faces, so what?  “Fam, you guys are wild...” Jake said absolutely startled yet excited.

“Mhhm, it was Cassie’s idea – sometimes she has a drink and gets all crazy like that.” I replied while placing my hand on her knee giving it a squeeze – the contact making her shiver. She cleared her throat and shifted in her seat slightly to break our contact and smiled.

I bit my own lip trying to contain my own emotions and smiled looking at Matt, this time as a sign that it was his turn.

“Yeah... uhhh, never have I ever had been in a ‘friends with benefits’ situation.” This time it was only me that took a sip, everyone else was just in awe. “Such fucking prudes you all are...” I replied laughing.

“Who the hell have you been sleeping around with Syd?” Cas asked seriously, looking at me directly like she was about to kill me.

“Calm your tits down Cas, this is Never Have I Ever, not Truth or Dare!” I laughed maintaining the eye contact, tho she did not seem amused by this whatsoever.

“No, for real, you’ve never told me that you had a friend with benefits.” She challenged me, looking more and more frustrated by the minute.

“Well, I don't always have to share everything with you, do I?” I replied awkwardly, feeling the mood of our conversation shift from something fun and light-hearted to serious in a matter of minutes all because Cas’ decided to act up.
She seemed furious, furious and embarrassed; embarrassed due to this whole situation and furious; probably because I have failed to tell her about mine and Alejandro’s relationship.

“Relax beautiful, it was some time ago plus it wasn't serious at all.” I responded, gritting my teeth at her as a sign that she should leave this for now, and that we’ll talk about it later.

“Alright, fuck it! Never have I ever had phone sex.” This was definitely getting interesting.
I didn’t take a sip, nor did Jake or Matt, Cassie on the other hand, raised her glass and took a sip proudly, this time placing her hand on my knee under the table giving it an unforgivable squeeze as she digged her red painted nails into my skin. ‘Ouch, fucking bitch.’ I nearly blurted out in pain, looking at her as to stop doing what she was doing, but she was just biting her lip looking around.

“Okay miss not so innocent, you gotta give us the deets!!!” Jake shouted.

“Nope, sorry – all I can say is that I was left fucking  frustrated over the phone while I was wearing nothing but a shirt on...”

‘Fuckkkk, fuck me what the fucking fuck was she doing.???’

“He left off like that?” Jake asked.

“Yeah, I had to play it off like I didn’t give a shit and told him aheam that I was I was just playing and that I was just wearing a stupid Hello Kitty t-shirt.” Cassie admitted – tho there was never a him, it was us. It was the two of us that had THAT conversation over the phone.

“Guys, Cassie is officially off her face. She needs to be taken home and to have a good night beauty sleep.” I said faking a laugh, trying my best to stop this from going any further before she regrets it.

“I’m fine Sydney... It’s your turn.” She spat at me. I wasn’t  in the mood to keep this going, Jake and Matt wanted to get off to this and Cassie was drunk and confused as fuck.
“I need the bathroom.” I said to them as I jolted up out of my seat.

Once in the bathroom I tried cooling off by splashing some water onto my face. ‘Fucking Cassie, what the hell was wrong with her?’ This wasn’t no game anymore, I didn’t have the upper hand upon her now, this went beyond so many checkpoints – little fucking bitch... Fuckkkkk – when I thought I was the one playing with her she took control.'

“You’re pathetic Sydney.”  She said entering the bathroom glancing at me for a brief moment and then  straight up going to the mirror to fix her eye liner and lipstick. “You know, when you taunt a dog for a while it is going to bite you sooner or later nonetheless.” She stated while applying that matte lipstick on her plump lips.
“What are you on about Cas – you’re fucking drunk.” I bitterly replied, while straightening my sundress trying to contain myself.
She put her lipstick and her eyeliner in her bag and shifted closer to me, not breaking eye contact with my reflection in the mirror. “I’m no stupid blondie Sydney.” She inched closer to me our hands barely touching each other by now. “You’re bitter and angry about what happened between us during the course of a few days ago, you can’t decipher my intentions towards you, you’re angry that you want me, you’re angry because you want me against that sink, you’re angry because you wished to have continued our conversation that night – you wished to hear me moan though the phone in pleasure while you’d tell me to keep touching myself until I cum.”

‘Fuck Sydney, you stupid thing.’ I scolded myself looking in the mirror alone in the bathroom. ‘I’m going insane, I really am.’ I admitted to myself although I disregarded everything else I’ve just imagined – ‘shameful seriously, you’re losing your marbles.’

As I was about to get out of the bathroom, Cassie entered though the door. Avoiding me she went to the mirrors and took out her lipstick and eyeliner and started reapplying them.

Letting go of the door handle I went to the sink mirrors too and looked at her reflection. “What was that about Cassie?” I exhaled.

She looked up at me though the reflection whilst still applying her lipstick. “What was what Sydney?” She asked back pretending to be clueless about what just happened.

“You know exactly what I’m on about, so stop bloody playing around Cas, it’s tiring.” I pleaded.

Putting her lipstick and eyeliner in her handbag she finally met my eyes. “We’re not going to talk about this now Sydney, it was just a stupid game alright.” She replied, a smile lingering on her face.

“You must be kidding me.” I huffed to myself. “Fuck this, I’m going home.” As I was reaching for the door handle, I felt Cassie’s hands on my waist, suddenly turning me around to face her.

“What is it Cassie, what do you want?” I inquired annoyed, looking straight into her green eyes.

“Walk me home Sydney.” She whispered, anxiously biting her lip.

“You’ve got Jake. Let go now, I’m tired.” I was tired, tired of feeling like this, tired of everything.

“I want you... I want you to take me home, please..."

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