Chapter twelve

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AN: I'll be putting an '*' when, in my opinion, some sexy music (your choice, but I would still recommend any songs by "Two Feet) would greatly compliment what is going on at that point. Anyways ya'll enjoy :)

All I had to do now was wait about 15 minutes for the cab. 15 excruciating minutes of being near her in this desolate silence between us.

Sitting and waiting, I’ve realised that I have not considered how she’d be getting home. “Cassie, take the cab with me, it looks like it’s about to rain.” I said in a nonchalant tone, as I turned my vision towards her. But I knew if she was going to be difficult about it, we’d both have to walk in the rain in our low-cut dresses and heels, like those dumb people that usually get kidnapped by maniacs because they decided to walk home after a party.

“Alright.” She bluntly responded back, not looking at me, instead fixing her eyes on the drunken crowd who was outside as well, being rowdy and obnoxiously loud.

“Okay.” I exhaled, not knowing how else to respond or continue this non-existent conversation between us.

‘Fuck why is this always happening to us?’ I thought to myself as I sighed out loud. This was painful, being here with her knowing that what was probably on her mind right this moment was her and I, together in that closet. And as much as I hoped that I was wrong, I knew she was relieving those 7 minutes over and over again, because I was too.

Every minute that was passing felt longer and more exhausting than the other. The stir of emotions she has caused me to feel was making me want to tell her how much I hated her in that moment. I wanted to tell her how much I was regretting not kissing her there and then. I just wanted to unravel in front of her so that she knew that she wasn’t alone in this.

Sitting there outside in the darkness of the summer night, illuminated only by some lights and enveloped by a multitude of distant chatter, I couldn’t help but feel like we were in some episode of Euphoria. The undeniable tension and feelings between us were consuming us from within. It was like we were made of wool, and we were painfully slowly eaten by moths.  And as much as I was hating this, I loved it more.

I lit a cig so that I could preoccupy myself with something – something else other drowning in thoughts of her.

I closed my eyes and inhaled deeply. ‘How are we supposed to move forward? How am I supposed to repel her, when she draws me in closer and closer to the edge with every seductive word that rolls off her tongue?’ The cigarette clearly wasn’t working its cancerous magic on me today because I still couldn’t escape the thoughts of her.

“Sydney! The cab’s here.’ Cassie spoke up to get my attention as I was in a trance.

“Yeah, I can see.” I said exhaling the last puff of the cig into the air; while looking at it dissipate into the darkness of the night.

Once inside the cab, Cassie gave the driver her address first and then I provided him mine.

As the car started moving though the desolate streets, heavy rain started pouring outside, perfectly complimenting the dreadful silence, confusion and frustration between us as we were sitting opposite each other.

She turned her body towards the window in an attempt to ignore my existence, ignore all of this perhaps. I could tell she loathed being confined here with me even if it was only for a 10-minute drive. I couldn’t blame her though; I felt the same. ‘God, some weed in my system right this moment would make this so much bearable.’ I thought to myself as I stared outside observing the streets which were rapidly getting flooded by the abundant rain.

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