Chapter 25

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 The mountain road was rugged, and the journey was tiring and difficult, but the full load of prey filled the heart with enthusiasm, and the legs seemed to have endless strength.

On the hillside behind the village, two small dogs barked and rushed home, just in time for Shen Yaoqing, who was carrying a hoe to go to the ground, to hear, and hurriedly looked over, seeing that Shen Xuanqing was pulling a cart that seemed heavy, he called out to the yard. He put down his hoe and hurried over to meet him. In the haste, he rubbed the dog's head twice, otherwise they would keep rubbing against his legs and wagging their tails.

The three of Wei Lanxiang also rushed out when they heard the commotion. Seeing that Lu Gu and Shen Xuanqing were doing well, the worries in her heart went away. When they came down from the mountain, they were dressed clean and tidy, no longer looked like a bandit with a disheveled face, and they smiled more. Looking at it, it was called a spirited head.

In this way, even if she died now, she would be worthy of Shen Shunfu when she went underground.

"Mother, sister-in-law." Lu Gu whispered to her and Ji Qiuyue.

"Hey, it's good to be back." Wei Lanxiang smiled happily, and unloaded the bamboo basket on his back with Shen Yan.

"Brother Guzi, can you give me one of your flowers?" Shen Yan saw several mountain flowers on the bamboo basket. They couldn't name them. The petals rose from the bottom to the top, turning from pink to orange like clouds blooming in the evening sky, very beautiful, because there were several flowers, she couldn't help asking.

Lu Gu saw this when he was resting on the road. He picked a few branches from a cluster and brought them. He took them out and said, "It's for you."

He saw Ji Qiuyue again and handed it to her, he whispered: "Sister-in-law, there are for you and mother too."

Wei Lanxiang laughed from ear to ear, and she handed the flowers back to Lu Gu, but Lu Gu shook his head and whispered no, so she gave it to Ji Qiuyue, Said: "It's hard for you to be filial, it's because mother is old enough to wear flowers for what, and people will laugh at the old monster."

The whole family talked and laughed, and pulled the cart back together.

Shen Yan had beautiful flowers in her hair. Although she was young, she had a round face and lovely almond eyes, and wearing flowers made her even more cute.

She was anxious on her feet, eager to go out and wanted to show off to girls of the same age, but the cart brought so many things back, which made her stumble, and after some struggles, she had a choice. First, let's see what Brother Erqing brought back. It was not too late to show off the flowers on your head.

"This is a black-hoofed sheep? Amitabha, it can be sold for a lot of money, and there are a lot of pheasants." Wei Lanxiang looked at the things on the cart, and saw each one muttering one by one, full of joy.

When she knew that the dried goods in Lu Gu's bamboo basket were dried by himself, she got Shen Xuanqing's wink, and she was full of praise: "Guzi picked so many goji berries and a lot of wormwood. It sells for a lot of money, and tomorrow, mother will get you some rice wine, and grab some goji berries to cook rice wine to drink."

Lu Gu took good care of Shen Xuanqing, and he was so diligent, and she was not partial to her son's selfishness, the more she looked at Lu Gu, the more she felt God opened his eyes, thankfully she didn't marry that Lu Wen back, thinking about it, she clapped her hands and said: "I won't wait until tomorrow, mother will go with your sister-in-law."

Lu Gu bowed his head shyly after being praised , Before he even looked up, Wei Lanxiang went out to make rice wine with Ji Qiuyue, with a basket on her shoulders.

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