Chapter 12

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 Bamboo poles slapped the water surface, the water rose, and a group of ducks quacked and swam back in panic.

Lu Gu chased the ducks back, otherwise they would go to the river.

Before dawn, Wei Lanxiang took Shen Yan and with the villagers to the town to catch the morning market. He saved a basket of eggs and a basket of duck eggs to sell.

There was no need to mow chicken grass in the past few days. The family had chopped a lot of grass. Most of the grass that chickens like to eat near the pond had been pulled up by Shen Yan. If you wanted to find it, you had to go far away. Because he was afraid the ducks would be lost, he didn't dare to go too far.

When the sun was not too hot, he walked back to the white stone and sat down.

The sky was blue and the trees were green, the river was rushing, and the sun was shining on his face. He raised his head and narrowed his eyes unconsciously, enjoying the heat of the sun in such silence.

In the past, he couldn't get enough to eat and didn't wear warm clothes, and there were always harsh scolding in his ears. Sitting quietly like this was rare for Lu Gu. For him, it even seemed like a rebirth. The past all seemed to become distant.

During the day, he lowered his eyebrows and pleaded with his eyes, and he didn't even dare to raise his head. Now, he raised his head to look at the sky, the clouds, and the sun, which was new to him, and gradually lost his mind.

Quack's duck calls brought him back to his thoughts, even if he was alone, he was still a little flustered, for fear of being seen and saying he was lazy.

He rubbed his hot cheeks, got up and plucked a kind of grass with slender stalks nearby. You could use this grass to ignite the fire when it dried.

Summer was almost over, and it was always right to store more hay while the sun was still bright recently.

The grass was too much and too heavy, and the long grass was not strong enough. Although the way back was short, if it was scattered, it had to be re-bundled. It was very troublesome. Lu Gu ran back to get the hemp rope. After taking the hemp rope, he came back and saw that the ducks were foraging for food in the pond, and his heart felt at ease.

Just before dinner at noon, he plucked grass and dug up wild vegetables. It could be eaten fresh or dried. This thing grew quickly and abundantly by the water, so he dug a lot and tied it with straw rope and bring it back.

Ji Qiuyue saw him rushing back with the ducks, carrying a large bale of grass behind his back, and carrying wild vegetables in his hand, so she hurried over to catch it, seeing so many wild vegetables, she said, "It's just right, I'll mix it with miscellaneous flour tomorrow, Steam a pot of steamed buns and eat it."

In order to prevent the meat from spoiling, they had been eating meat every day, and today they still had the last bowl of chicken. Now that they could eat meat, they would feel tired after eating it continuously for five to six days, seven or eight days, so they couldn't help but wanted to eat vegetables.

Ji Qiuyue said that she would steam it tomorrow, but the more she thought about it, the more greedy she became. She simply said, "We'll wash it, and we'll eat it at night."

Lu Gu wouldn't say anything to her , so he nodded in agreement. After he drove the ducks back to the backyard, he came back to spread the grass out to dry.

It didn't take long for Wei Lanxiang and Shen Yan to come back, and the family washed their hands to eat.

The ducks ate twice a day, got up early and drove them out once, and drove them out again in the afternoon, but sometimes they were too busy to get out, and Shen Yan would go to the pond to cut some water plants and came back to feed them.

Today, the journey to town was a bit farther. She was still young, and when she felt tired, she didn't want to go out to drove the ducks to the pond. She carried a bamboo basket and pulled Lu Gu to go with her to the pond to mow water plants.

The two of them worked very quickly. The bamboo basket was full in a short time, and the pressure was particularly firm. Shen Yan didn't move her back all of a sudden, and was dragged straight back by the weight. Fortunately, Lu Gu supported her from behind.

"Too many." Shen Yan said in her mouth, but she also showed a silly smile, her almond eyes curved, innocent and childish.

She said that she had to put it down again, and saw Shen Yaoqing in the front of the house, carrying two empty wooden buckets in his hand, came to fetch water from the river.

Before he got close, he realized that the basket behind Shen Yan was too heavy, and asked with a smile, "Can't you carry it?"

"Brother Daqing, come quickly." Since there were rescue soldiers, although she could still move her back after persevering, Shen Yan simply threw the job to Shen Yaoqing.

"You said that you two, you won't make it less if you can't carry it." After he finished speaking, he poked Shen Yan's forehead, then put the wooden buckets down, and carried the bamboo basket on his back to go back first.

Shen Yan and Lu Gu carried the empty bucket, and walked to the river for a while before stopping. The wooden bucket was not too small. According to their strength, they had to hold their breath when it was full of water, and they could lift it up with both hands at the same time.

The two of them each had a bucket, they both scooped the water and brought it to the shore. Shen Yan said to Lu Gu, "Wait until Brother Daqing comes over and let him carry it back."

They couldn't move such a bucket full of water, they could only bring half a bucket to carry back, and it was inevitable to make several more trips.

Fortunately, fetching water in these villages was usually a man's job. Before even if Lu Daxiang was old and frail, Lu Daxiang would go there most of the time. Otherwise, the villagers would see him instructed his children to do heavy work such as fetching water. They must say bad things behind their back, Du Hehua didn't dare to make it so obvious at that time.

Shen Yaoqing brought the buckets full of water several times until the water tank in the house was full.

Ji Qiuyue washed the wild vegetables, Lu Gu boiled water in the stove, and when the water boiled, he poured the wild vegetables into it, blanched it, and then scooped it into cold water, so it wouldn't be so hot.

After chopping the wild vegetables, she and Lu Gu squeezed the water out of the vegetable with their hands.

"I'm going to take the flour." Ji Qiuyue saw that there were not many vegetables left, so she cleaned up the chopped vegetables on her hands, took the bowl to the flour tank and dug four and a half bowls of miscellaneous flour.

Lu Gu squeezed the last of the wild vegetables out of water and put it in a basin. Ji Qiuyue would do the mixing by herself.

Even at the end of summer, the kitchen would be very hot as long as the fire was on, and both of their faces were sweating. Ji Qiuyue couldn't keep her hands free, so she raised her arm and wiped it.

The kitchen chopping board was right in front of the window. Shen Yaoqing saw her so hot in the courtyard, so he brought a fan and stood outside the window to fan her.

Lu Gu didn't dare to look at the two of them, so he walked out of the kitchen with his brows down. He didn't know what Shen Yaoqing said in a low voice. Ji Qiuyue raised his voice slightly, and scolded: "Go!"

Seeing that there was no other work to do at the moment, He went back to the room to cool off. The window of the room was open, and he could hear Shen Yaoqing and Ji Qiuyue talking and laughing in the yard.

He didn't listen to what the two of them were talking about, his eyebrows narrowed slightly, but he thought of Shen Xuanqing.

Unlike Ji Qiuyue and Shen Yaoqing, he didn't dare to talk in front of Shen Xuanqing at all, and even looked at that tall and strong man and felt terrified. Besides, he was sold to the Shen family, and he originally a fulang who wasn't married seriously. The difference was that he didn't dare to think about joking with Shen Xuanqing. In this comparison, he felt that he was the best at the moment. He was not someone who could talk, so he shouldn't do things that he was not good at.

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