Chapter 24

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 The rain continued unabated, and when the mountain wind blew, the rain drifted into the eaves, making it even colder. The three dogs also hid in the main room to avoid the rain, and found a dry place to lie down. With more people beside him, Lu Gu's hands in weaving bamboo baskets became more cautious, and he felt a little uncomfortable.

Shen Xuanqing was stunned for a moment, feeling that it was not good to stand still, so he moved a bench and sat next to Lu Gu , and also picked up the bamboo strips and said in a low voice: "I'll do it with you."

 "Yes." Lu Gu couldn't say no, with lowered eyebrows, he complied.

As long as the words were uttered, he slowly opened his mouth. Shen Xuanqing, who was a little bit at a loss just now, gave up and thought about something to say, and asked about Lu Gu's livelihood in the past few days.

"I see you dried a lot of goji berries."

Hearing this, Lu Gu paused his hands, raised his eyes and said nervously, "I heard people say that the medical center accepts it."

Shen Xuanqing pondered for a moment, and said, "That's right, not only doctors, if it was sold in the market and some people buy will buy it, but the price is not high."

They could see wild goji berries all over the mountains and plains, and it could be used as medicine, but because people often picked and sold it, it was not a scarce commodity, so the price hadn't changed.

After speaking, he got up to look at the two bamboo plaques of wolfberries on the table. Lu Gu picked them up and they were all big. They were of better quality than those from Qianshan. Even if the price didn't go up, they were easier to sell.

He grabbed a handful and took a closer look, then said to Lu Gu: "I'll take you to sell it when I go down the mountain."

wasn't that what he had been busy these days? It was a lot calmer than before, and he didn't feel so cramped when he didn't speak.

A gust of wind blew, carrying the rain and rushing towards the two people in the main room.

There was cold rain on Lu Gu's face and hands, he hurriedly moved the pile of bamboo strips on the ground to the back, he didn't add any clothes, he felt cold at the moment.

After a little effort, there were more and darker clouds in the sky, let alone the main room, and it was not very bright outside, as if it was going to be night.

Seeing that the wind was getting stronger, Shen Xuanqing put down the bamboo strips that he had just woven at the bottom, and said to Lu Gu, "It's cold, let's go into the house."

After saying that, he got up and closed the door of the main room to prevent the rain from blowing in.

It was so dark, and the door was closed again, and there was no way to work, so Lu Gu had to follow him into a warmer room.

The doors and windows in the room were closed, and the heavy rain outside could still be heard, even the wind was blowing violently. Fortunately, in the deep mountains and forests, they had such a strong house to withstand the wind and rain.

Sitting at the table with nothing to do, and unable to see clearly, Shen Xuanqing paused and said, "I'm tired these days, and the rain won't stop for a while, so why not lie down and rest for a while."

This was indeed the truth, in the past, he had to cook in the mountains by himself in the evening, so he would come back earlier, but now that Lu Gu was with him, it saved him the trouble of cooking, and he came back later than before. He went out early and came back late for six consecutive days, and was busy in the mountains, so he should take advantage of the rain today to rest for a while, not only him, but Lu Gu also had to do a lot of things every day, so it would be good for his body to have a free time to lie down and rest.

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