Chapter 28

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 This time he came back and stayed at home for several days, Shen Xuanqing said that he would go up the mountain again in the morning, and Lu Gu agreed.

Because the two of them worked hard in the mountains, Wei Lanxiang didn't make Lu Gu work much these days.

In the middle of the morning, the sun was not very strong. He sat under the eaves and embroidered a money bag, which was bigger than a purse, so that he could hold a lot of copper coins and loose silver in the arms or sleeves.

Even Ji Qiuyue came over to take a look, and finally said with a smile: "The craftsmanship of Guzi was really good, much more refined than those sold outside."

Let Lu Gu lower his head shyly.

"Come on tomorrow let Shen Yan also learn to do some needlework, so that you don't have to run around all day long, and you will be able to embroider flowers on clothes in the future." Wei Lanxiang smacked her mouth.

In the past two years, the family was busy planing food and earning money, and Shen Yan had to work with the adults, and only occasionally taught him how to do needlework a few times. Seeing that Lu Gu was doing so well, she thought that Shen Yan should also learn from him. Yes, as for the work of releasing ducks and weeding grass, it was enough to do it once a day. When she had free time, she would follow her and gather more chicken grass and duck grass to feed.

"Yes, it's always right to know more." Ji Qiuyue echoed, most of the country people ate and made clothes by themselves, which was cheaper and more practical than the things bought there.

While talking, someone walked in from outside the door, and it was Zhou Yunzhi.

She smiled all over her face, and when she saw Wei Lanxiang, she said, "Second sister in law, she's sewing clothes"

Lu Gu also greeted her.

"It's not like getting up early and eating too much, going out for a walk, and then coming here." Zhou Yunzhi said, and looked at the things Lu Gu was embroidering, and said, "Oh, you can embroider lions, what a skill!"

"Sister-in-law, are you free now?" Wei Lanxiang put down the work in his hand and asked with a smile.

Lu Gu lowered his head in embarrassment, and said in a low voice: "No, no, just do it casually."

Seeing that he was embarrassed, Wei Lanxiang grabbed the words and said, "He is shy, he hasn't seen many people here, he is going to go up the mountain with Erqing again in the morning."

She asked again: "I saw that sister-in-law and brother went to town? It looks like you two from a distance."

Zhou Yunzhi pursed her lips and smiled, with a reproachful tone, she said: "My son Yutao sent someone a message to insist that I go live with him in the town. Look at the eldest grandson."

She paused, the smile on her face didn't diminish, and she said: "The strange thing is that people say that things in the town are expensive, so I had to go to the tavern to eat and drink at noon yesterday. I ordered a plate of Hongqiao, it's so expensive! Then a small stack would cost fifty copper coins, I can't eat spicy food, I ordered something fried with autumn peppers and boiled soybeans, it's even more expensive, seventy copper coins!" She stretched out her hands and gestured with seven fingers, her eyes widened as if she was frightened, and she wanted to scare others with this price.

How could Wei Lanxiang not know that she was showing off, and said with a smile: "Sister-in-law, the son you gave birth to is good. Yutao is capable and filial. You said, this Hongqiao is really so delicious?"

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