Chapter 27

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Shen Xuanqing was thinking about something, and he was a little distracted. He didn't think deeply when Wang Langzhong said the matter of giving birth that day. Just now, when he saw Lu Gu holding a child, his heart was suddenly touched. He had been thinking about it until now, so he only listened to what those people at the alley said, and didn't pay much attention to it.

Although he didn't forget what he said about buying Lu Gu back then, he didn't take it to heart. What's more, he made an agreement with Wei Lanxiang at that time to let Lu Gu be his husband. It wasn't as a servant, and he usually didn't think about it at all.

As for Lu Gu's look at him, because he often had such a timid expression, he didn't connect the things in the alley for a while, and said: "If your legs are tired, sit and I will take you back."

Lu Gu shook his head and said no, he wasn't tired, and he was far away from the alley, so he thought in his heart that at least he could eat in the Shen family. People were different, as long as he was obedient and worked hard to earn more money, he probably wouldn't be sold again.

So he was a little relieved.

After leaving the town, there was still a long way to Qingxi Village. Shen Xuanqing thought about his hard work all the way, so he let him get on the cart.

Country people didn't have a carriage, so they often used the cart to carry people and loads. Some people who earned money by driving carts used donkeys or mules to hitch the cart, which was faster than people, and could run if the cart was light.

Lu Gu sat on the cart, looking at the tall figure in front of him, he didn't know what to think, he felt that such a Shen Xuanqing wouldn't sell him.

Both the cart and the bamboo basket were empty when they came back, Shen Xuanqing directly pulled Lu Gu into the yard before stopping.

Wei Lanxiang, who was sitting under the eaves and working, greeted them. Beside her was a woman who Lu Gu had never seen before. She was about the same age as her. When Shen Xuanqing called her aunt, Lu Gu got out of the cart and he also called in a low voice.

"Come back so late, are you hungry?" Wei Lanxiang helped Lu Gu took down the bamboo basket, and asked them with a smile.

"Mother, we have already eaten at noon, so we don't need to eat anymore." Shen Xuanqing picked up the sheepskin, without revealing the legs inside, and carried it into the kitchen.

"Erqing sold a lot today. I heard people say that you got up early and pulled a cart full of things to go to town." Zhou Yunzhi, the auntie said with a smile.

When the voice came, his heart skipped a beat. Not all people with a sharp voice were bad guys, what caught Lu Gu's attention was the way Zhou Yunzhi looked in her eyes when she spoke, there was nothing wrong with it, but it reminded him of Du Hehua.

Shen Xuanqing came out of the kitchen, heard her say this and replied: "Auntie is joking, they are all worthless things, they just look like a lot. "

"It's cheap but there's a lot of them, so you've made a lot of money." Zhou Yunzhi smacked her lips, with obvious disbelief on her face.

"No matter how much I sell, all I earn is a small amount of money. How can like the big brother who earns a lot of money every month doing errands in the town." Shen Xuanqing didn't want to continue talking to her, so he dragged the conversation aside.

Zhou Yunzhi smiled proudly.

Wei Lanxiang's expression remained unchanged, she pulled out a handful of green onions from the vegetable patch, and asked with a smile: "Sister-in-law, do you have enough of these green onions?"

After talking about Shen Xuanqing, she came over to take a look. After looking at it, she looked at the cart without any wild things and there was nothing left, so she took the green onion and left.

She didn't know that Shen Xuanqing had already left some food for the family, and he put them in the backyard.

After she left, Wei Lanxiang still looked out the door, and then dragged Lu Gu back to the main room, and said in a low voice, "This is your first uncle's wife, her name is Zhou Yunzhi, and everyone in the village calls her sister-in-law Zhou. Don't talk to her."

"And those from Dafang's (first family, from the the eldest son) family, I'll tell you later, keep in touch with your third uncle and aunt, and be careful with them (dafang), hid if you run into them, don't tell them about the family affairs, if you hear something unpleasant, just ignore it, tell me when you come back, and Erqing."

Lu Gu didn't like Zhou Yunzhi's counting eyes when she spoke, which reminded him of Du Hehua, upon hearing this, quickly nodded and said to write it down.

After Zhou Yunzhi left, Shen Xuanqing went into the kitchen to chop the legs of sheep. Wei Lanxiang heard the movement, and hurriedly told Lu Gu to go to the kitchen. Seeing that it was legs of sheep, she couldn't be unhappy.

Shen Xuanqing also gave her ten taels of silver, and made her smiled, and she even liked Lu Gu more and more.

The debts owed by the family were all paid off, and all the money they earned belonged to themselves. After Wei Lanxiang hid the money, she called Lu Gu into the room and showed him the clothes she had made.

she was so happy they came back yesterday, thinking that Lu Gu was too tired from walking the mountain road, and she still had a cuff confiscated, so she didn't mention the clothes, and took them out after finishing them today.

The money for making clothes for Lu Gu was paid by Shen Xuanqing, this time she didn't take any money out, and when she bought cotton, she paid 80 copper coins cash for it herself, and made two thick jackets for Lu Gu, including tops and trousers. Saved your legs from freezing in the mountains.

In addition to the jacket, there were three thick cloth clothes and a pair of cotton-padded shoes. These were all real materials. She couldn't do it by herself, so she asked Ji Qiuyue to help.

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