Chapter 22

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   As soon as you picked up the golden honeycomb, you could see the honey flowing slowly from a small opening. Lu Gu was a little panicked at first, but when he saw that the honey was about to flow down, he quickly turned around while saying: "I'll go take the bowl."

Shen Xuanqing wrapped the honeycomb with big leaves and followed him, the bamboo basket was placed at the gate of the courtyard without carrying it, and said: "There is an empty jar next to the stove, use that."

Lu Gu listened to him, took the jar to wash it, and wiped it dry with a cloth towel.

Shen Xuanqing took the small wooden spoon on the chopping board, it was used by Lu Gu when making the pancakes, it was not stained like the wooden spoon for cooking, it was relatively clean.

The honeycomb was not that hard , and could be cut or squeezed with a wooden spoon. Lu Gu put the small jar on the chopping board, and couldn't help standing here watching the honey flow into the jar. The two stood together, if it wasn't for Shen Xuanqing was too high, it would be head to head.

The golden honey was bright, and it smelled mellow and sweet. The honeycomb in the mountains were not only on the trees. There were clusters of honeycombs under the cover of weeds and wild flowers. Took the time to find it.

Shen Xuanqing found a lump of honeycomb in the grass today, the honey couldn't flow completely, even after being squeezed, he picked a better place and broke off a piece and handed it to Lu Gu.

Seeing that Lu Gu was hesitating, Apparently he had never eaten it, he said in a low voice: "you can eat it, just chew for some sweetness, don't swallow it."

When he was a child, his mother gave him honey water or dipped honey with chopsticks and stuffed into his mouth and let him taste it, but the honeycomb had never been eaten, and when he heard that it was edible, Lu Gu bit it carefully. The mellow and sweet taste made his eyes widen as soon as he took it in, and Shen Xuanqing, who looked at him, smiled unconsciously.

Speaking of which, Shen Xuanqing was only half a year older than Lu Gu, and he was young enough that his face was actually a bit green. This smile faded away from his usual stability and maturity, and there seemed to be warmth in his eyes, just like the sun in the sky. It made Lu Gu inexplicably felt at ease, and he didn't even feel so embarrassed about his clumsy appearance that he hadn't eaten any good food.

He was thinking again, Shen Xuanqing was a good person, and if he was given such a sweet honeycomb , he would not really laugh at him for not eating a good one.

"Don't throw this away, keep it for you to eat every day." Shen Xuanqing broke off a small piece for himself, and put the squeezed and deformed honeycomb into the bowl.

The sweet taste overflowed in the mouths of the two of them, and no matter how bad their emotions were, they were appeased. Before Lu Gu finished eating, he asked, "Are you hungry? I stewed fish."

As soon as he entered the kitchen, he could smell the spicy taste, but because honey was important, Shen Xuanqing didn't bother to ask about it. At this moment, he nodded his head and said frankly: "I'm hungry."

After running in the mountains for a day, he brought a few steamed buns as dry food. How could he not hungry?

Lu Gu didn't eat honeycomb anymore, and lifted the lid of the pot to bring out the rice porridge, and filled a large bowl of stewed fish. Although it had been stewed for a long time, the pot was not burnt after adding water, only the fish sticking to the pot was a little burnt. Spices and salt had been added, the taste was not too bad.

By the time the food was served, it was dark outside.

Shen Xuanqing brought the bamboo baskets in and sealed the gate of the courtyard. It got dark quickly, so they had to light the oil lamps that they didn't usually use.

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