Chapter 2

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For a moment, Lu Gu forgot to breathe.

When he saw Shen Xuanqing's cold and angry expression, his brain buzzed, and he seemed to have hallucinations in front of him. He had already imagined that he would die under the stick and fist.

In a trance, he didn't know where he was, nor did he know Shen Xuanqing angrily slammed out the door, until an anxious cry rang from the door, which brought him back to his senses.

There were several people around the door. After seeing that he was not Lu Wen, Wei Lanxiang fainted.

"Mother! Mother, don't worry, don't worry."

Shen Yan and sister-in-law Ji Qiuyue hurriedly supported Wei Lanxiang who had fallen down. The aunt who helped in the village immediately came over to help, and the Shen family, who was originally happy, suddenly became chaotic.

Wei Lanxiang woke up quickly, she took a breath, looked at Lu Gu in the room, and said angrily, "Who are you?"

Tears flowed down without knowing it , her eyes widened and it was difficult to breathe.

"This seems to be Lu Gu from their family. It was born to Lu Daxiang's first wife."

Lu Gu stammered and couldn't speak, but fortunately someone helped to recognize him. She was from the village next to Anjia Village and was not married. People used to walk around with the girls from Anjia Village, but after five or six years, she only had a vague impression of Lu Gu, and it took a while to recognize him.

Hearing this, Wei Lanxiang became even more angry. For the sake of this marriage, the family had been busy for a long time and didn't 't talk about it. She took out 20 taels of honorable gifts, not to mention the things she hired at the beginning. Which one was not money?

Beside, since her man died, their family had only been getting better recently.

Shen Shunfu accidentally slipped and fell when he entered the mountain in winter three years ago, broke his leg, and fell into the pool of water.

Although he fell on the edge of the shallow water, he struggled to climb up, but falling into the biting ice water in the winter was enough for anyone to get fever.

His clothes were soaking wet, and he was so cold that he couldn't crawl out very far with a broken leg.

Later, some people in the village who went up the mountain to chop firewood heard a slight movement and rescued Shen Shunfu, who was frozen blue and purple.

For this injury, it cost a lot of money just to see a doctor and get medicine, and sold a lot of things. Unfortunately, no one was rescued. All kinds of good medicinal materials were hanged, and it lasted for a month and a half.

At the age of ten, Shen Xuanqing worshipped an old hunter in the mountains as a teacher. Fortunately, he had already learned the skill. After his father died, he left the teacher. He went hunting in the mountains by himself. He would go to a nearby town or county as a day laborer to carry a large bag. After two or three years, their hand were not so tight anymore.

Life at home was difficult for a while because of lack of money. Fortunately, Shen Xuanqing and his elder brother Shen Yaoqing were both able to live up to their expectations. At that time, they were fifteen and twenty, and they were both young men who had the strength to endure hardships.

Seeing that the days were getting better and better, Wei Lanxiang saw that her second son was eighteen, and the marriage should have been settled long ago, but it was only because of the delays in the past few years, how could a good family's shuang'er or daughters be willing to suffer for someone who had no money. Besides, Shen Xuanqing was only fifteen when he tightened his trousers and worked hard with his brother, and he was only a half-year-old boy.

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