Chapter 26

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Money made people motivated, and compared with the joy of earning money, the crowds at the market didn't seem so scary. After the first payment, Lu Gu's shouting voice no longer trembled, at least he dared to talk to the woman and fulang when they passed by.

"Ma'am, look at the medlars, it's all good."

Shen Xuanqing was selling prey at the side. Seeing that he dared to speak out after being busy, he was relieved and joyful in his heart, and the smile on his face became more obvious. Lu Gu was timid but not too much cowardly, he knew how to do what should be done, and it would definitely get better and better in the future.

The gray-haired and elderly woman was carrying a basket, and she really leaned forward to look at it. She asked, "How much?"

Lu Gu quickly said, "Three copper coins."

It was a habit of people to say that things were expensive at the beginning, and then it was easy to lower the price. The old woman was like this. No matter what she bought, she had to negotiate the price. She was used to it.

Although Shen Xuanqing told him that three copper coins was the market price, and the goji berries he picked were big and good, which was already cheap, but Lu Gu had never done a small business before, and he was a little uncertain without someone's help, so he had to turn to look at Shen Xuanqing .

"Auntie, it's not expensive. It's cheaper than the little ones, which sell for three copper coins." Seeing him timidly looking over, Shen Xuanqing felt like being scratched in his heart, and opened his mouth without thinking.

Lu Gu was very grateful, because there was such a "reassuring pill" standing beside him, he also followed suit: "Ma'am, it's not expensive."

The old woman often bought things, so she naturally knew the market price, and after picking things for a while, she saw that the price was lower.

Lu Gu hurriedly took out the scales, he knew how to do it, and Wei Lanxiang taught him after borrowing it back last night.

He got another six copper coins, and when Lu Gu put the money into the cloth bag, he heard the crash of the copper coins colliding, even though the money would be given to Shen Xuanqing later, but just listening to it made people happy, and he even smiled.

After this time, if someone lowered the price when buying goji berries, Lu Gu would follow Shen Xuanqing's words and didn't need help.

Compared with Shen Xuanqing's income, he had small money here. When there was no one around, he would watch Shen Xuanqing sold prey and did a favor or something.

Today was a good day, the sun was getting bigger and hotter. Because there were quite a lot of wild animals, there were still a few that hadn't been sold out.

Shen Xuanqing felt hot, and saw that the water in the bamboo tube had been drunk, and he was hungry, so he let Lu Gu to look at it, and went to buy food nearby.

The busiest and noisy time of the morning market was over. There were not many people buying in the market, and many hawkers who had finished the morning market had left.

Seeing that no one came to ask, Lu Gu just sat on the bench to rest. He had been standing almost all the time, and now he had time to sit down.

He searched among the few people with his eyes, and soon found Shen Xuanqing's figure, after all, such a tall man was quite rare.

Not long after, Shen Xuanqing came back with two bowls of noodles, and said casually: "This Yangchun noodles is good, I have eaten it twice."

Lu Gu took a bowl, he had heard that a bowl of noodles costs ten copper coins, Lu Wen often ate it when he was studying in the town. After returning to Anjia Village, he sometimes talked to Du Hehua about wanting to eat Yangchun noodles.

The two sat on stools and put the bowl on the cart as a table.

The noodles were thin and white, sprinkled with emerald green scallions, and the clear soup was embellished with soy sauce and bright yellow oil. It looked greasy, but the noodles were smooth and chewy. The soup was light and delicious. You could even finish the soup in one bowl. You were satisfied and comfortable, and you felt that it was worth ten copper coins.

And when Shen Xuanqing returned the bowl, he also brought a bamboo tube of green plum wine. This wine had a very light brewing flavor and the taste was sweet and sour. It was often drunk by women and Shuang'er.

Lu Gu originally thought that he brought the bamboo tube to ask for water, but he didn't expect that when the lid of the bamboo tube was opened, he could smell such a sweet and sour taste.

"Drink." Just as Shen Xuanqing finished speaking, someone came over and asked how to sell the pheasant.

Lu Gu held the bamboo tube and carefully tasted it. The taste was sour and then sweet, and there was a slight taste of wine. This taste was strange to him. After two sips, he felt that it was delicious, and his eyes seemed to be brighter.

After Shen Xuanqing sold two pheasants, he turned his head and saw his joyful expression, and he was also happy in his heart.

The sun was getting higher and higher, so that people's eyes were hard to open.

There were only two pheasants and the black-hoofed sheep that was still alive on the cart. Shen Xuanqing took another look at the goji berries in the bamboo basket. It was halfway down, but there were not many wild bath beads left. Many of bundles of solid mugwort leaves were also sold.

"Go to the medical clinic to see if they accept wolfberries, and then go to the pork shop and sell the sheep and you can go back." He said, tidy up the cart, put the benches on it, and since Lu Gu didn't need for the bamboo baskets, he put it on the cart and pushed it away.

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