Chapter 4 - First Classes

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Draco was making his way subconsciously to breakfast, his mind was still swirling from everything he had learned in a single NIGHT...

he was a lion...

he could relate to a Weasley...

the dark lord wasn't pureblooded and killed his own family...

... blood supremacy may all be total hogwash-


Said boy looked up to see Harry race toward him


Draco had to think for a moment to recall what his brother was referring to... ah, right "I'm stuck there"


"Not so loud Harry" Draco covered his ears "According to Dumbledore, the hats word is law... so I'm stuck there for the next seven years"

"Mum and Dad aren't gonna like this... have you told them yet?"

"I'm gonna write Mum after breakfast, try to explain the whole thing to gain as much damage control as possible... but honestly, I'm more worried about how Bellatrix will react"

Both boys shivered with fear

"As much as I love Aunt Bella" Harry started "I feel your fear"

"Just promise me you'll put at least one flower on my grave"

"Try a whole bouquet"


The two boys had just enough time to look up, before suddenly, Harry was attacked by the girl clinging to his arm "Harry, Common! Breakfast is about to start!" Pansy stated with twinkling eyes, then she turned and saw- "Oh... hello Draco. Having fun with the lions?" she mocked "Common Harry, let's go" she ordered as she pulled the blackhead through the great hall doors.

Draco sighed as he made his way into the Great Hall.


Draco looked around to see- *sigh* one of his roommates (was it Nigil? Marvin? Kevin?... didn't he say something about a Trevor?... he couldn't remember) waving him over like a maniac. Lowering his head, he tried to ignore the group of his roommates and walk away- just to feel the added weight of two heavy arms across his shoulders

"Common, mate. Let's go" sounded two voices in unison

He looked up to see the Weasley twins, each with an arm over his shoulders as they led him to the Gryffindor table for breakfast... he tried to escape, but it was no use... he groaned 'Please say my father never hears about this'


"Oi, Malfoy, move over will ya?"

Draco turned to see Ron waiting to take his seat, sighed, then scooted over so the redhead could sit beside him. Suddenly he heard a round of loud laughter, turning to search the hall, he spotted the Slytherin's table, Harry sitting at the head (with Parkinson hanging onto him like her life depended on it), while surrounded by his new Slytherin friends. Draco became worried... if what Ron and Snape said was true... he looked back to his full plate- he blinked in confusion... full? Then he watched as another roll was being added to his plate

"Mum says breakfast is the most important meal of the day. That if you miss it, you could bloody blackout for an entire week"

"Is that even possible after missing just ONE meal?" Draco asked, turning to his redheaded roommate

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