Chapter 2 - GRYFFINDOR!!!

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"Harry! Can you pass me my scarf?!" Draco called out as he was waist-deep upside down, reorganizing his luggage trunk, yet again. Draco stood up and turned with a smile towards his twin brother "Thanks" he stated as he wrapped the green and silver scarf around his neck

"No problem" Harry smiled, his own matching scarf around his own neck "I can't believe we finally get to go to Hogwarts"

"I know, right? And not only that... We Get To Use Our Own Wands!" Draco cheered "Finally!"

"I can't Wait to see the Slytherin Common room"

"I know, Right?"

*POP* "Young Masters Malfoy, da Master and Missus are waiting for yous down in da foyer"

"Thanks, Dobby" Harry greeted as the house-elf grabbed hold of their two large luggage trunks. With another *POP* both the elf and trunks were gone. "Welp... shall we?" Harry asked as he linked arms with his twin

"Let's Go!" Draco called as the two ran to the foyer to meet their parents

~o~   ~o~   ~o~   ~o~   ~o~   ~o~   ~o~   ~o~   ~o~   ~o~   ~o~   ~o~   ~o~   ~o~   ~o~   ~o~   ~o~   ~o~

"Now Harry, you must remember the core rules..."

"As a head family of the Sacred Twenty-Eight, a Malfoy is always above the rest. I am to set a good example for all the Purebloods. Half-bloods and Mudbloods are not to be associated with. Anything less than an A, or breaking any of the rules, will result in immediate punishment, including, but not limited to groundings, beatings, or being pulled from that specific class, if not Hogwarts itself. We take our magic seriously and do not talk down on lord Voldemort. I am to obey godfather Snapes and become the top student in all of Hogwarts history... I must make Slytherin proud and bring our name into the light." Harry quoted

"Very good. I'm proud of you son." Lucius stated as he rested his hand on the boy's black gelled-back hair

"What if we don't get sorted into Slytherin though?"

The small family froze

"What was that Draco?" Lucius narrowed his eyes at his oldest son

"I-I just mean..." the young blond stated "What if, like, me or Harry were put into a different house?"

"Like what?"

"L-Like... you know how much I like to read... what if I were sorted into Ravenclaw? Or how Harry always jumps to take a risk... what if he were sorted into Gryffindor?"

Narcissa gasped at the prospect

"That Won't Happen, now will it Lucius?" everyone turned to see the crazed looking woman standing in the doorway, a giant grin on her face

"Aunt Bella!" Harry ran in to give her a hug

"Ello pet" she then looked up "Draco dear, Won't you come say Hi to your Dear Beloved Auntie?"

Draco tried not to show it, but... there was something... off... about his dark loving aunt that he just couldn't put his finger on... something that made him rather uncomfortable... however, Draco felt the gentle hand of his mother push him forward, and so, he slowly made his way over to join in the awkward (to him) hug with his brother

Bellatrix pulled him in the last few steps

"Aunt Bella, what are you doing here?" Harry asked with gleaming eyes

"Did you REALLY THINK That I WOULDN'T See My FAVORITE Nephews Off To Their First Day At Hogwarts?!" she screeched

Harry laughed at his aunt's proclamation... Draco flinched

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