Chapter 8 - Happy Christmas Draco

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Draco groaned as he ran his hand down his face, before stretching, getting out of bed, and rushing to the common room to see what Ron was yelling about

"Happy Christmas, Draco" Ron smiled

Draco smiled back... it's Christmas! "Happy Christmas, Ron... what are you wearing?"

"Oh... my mum made it. Looks like you got one too"

"Wait... from YOUR mum?!" Draco asked in confusion


Confused, Draco rushed down the stairs to the waiting tree, his smile growing with every step, until he made it to the tree- he froze... there were two visible presents left under the tree... two? Quickly noting that the one was marked "To Draco, From the Weasleys", he decided to go for the only other gift with his name on it and pulled the note out to read it "Harry's father left this in my possession before he died. I know he would see fit to give it to you to help his son. Use it well."

"... that's all it says?" Ron asked in confusion "don't it even say who it's from?"

"... no" Draco then looked at the package and set it aside

"Wait, aren't you going to open it?" Ron asked in confusion

"In a bit. I want to see what my family got me first" Draco smiled

"Uh, mate... the only one left is from my mum" Ron pointed out in confusion

Draco just smiled as he pulled out his wand "When we were three-years-old, Harry and I decided to open all the presents under the tree a week before Christmas... while Mum and Dad were asleep"

Ron's jaw dropped "you did not"

"Sure did. Mum was so upset about missing our reactions to our first toy wands, so the next year, she cast a charm to turn everything invisible until Christmas morning, when they were both awake and witnessed our surprise when the charm was lifted and we saw the countless presents under the tree... even though we're grown now, I guess it's pretty much just become a tradition" Draco then turned to the tree with a smile "Aparecium!" and saw...


Draco's small started to fall as Ron just looked confused "Maybe you didn't say it right? You know how Mione's always getting on me about my pronunciation" Ron pointed out

He cleared his throat and tried again "Aparecium!" they then noticed a single envelope that was sitting on the tree with Draco's name on it. Draco felt a little fear in his heart as he grabbed the envelope... maybe his parents just sent him money since he was away?


Draco ignored Ron as he carefully opened the envelope and pulled out... a postcard? He then noticed the moving picture of Harry opening ALL the presents under the tree and realized... this was the family's Christmas card... Since they were five, their Mum would always snap a picture of him and Harry opening their gifts and use it as the Malfoy's Christmas card to send to their friends and family... Draco gulped as he turned the postcard over

Wish You Were Here! I Miss You! Happy Christmas Drake!!! With Love, Harry Malfoy

Draco's breath shook as he noticed all of the extra space underneath Harry's note. He gulped "a-aparecium" he then watched as the invisible space then revealed a pair of lips... which began to talk

"Hello, my little Dragon, Happy Christmas" came the voice of his mother "I'm sure you have probably noticed the lack of gifts under the tree... I'm so sorry my Love, but... your father and I have talked it over and have found... it best to punish you for... being made a Gryffindor and have decided for you to not have any Christmas gifts this year, meanwhile Bella took the chance to change all of the gifts tags with your name on them to direct them to Harry... please do not blame your brother, he knows nothing about this, nor is he to find out. Your father and Aunt Bella love him very much and I don't want to see an argument fall out between them for your lack of gifts, so as far as Harry goes... all of your gifts were sent to you via owl... this is what Harry believes and what he is to continue believing. I love you very much my Dragon. Love, mother"

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