Chapter 5 - Saving Granger

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*knock knock knock*

"Come in" called the old voice. "Ah, Draco Malfoy, welcome. Please, come in and have a seat... lemon drop?"

"Good day Headmaster. I take it I need to pack my bags for the move then?" Draco smiled as he held up a hand to deny the candy

"You're not moving houses Mr. Malfoy"

Draco frowned "but Clearwater said you wanted to talk to me about my house"

"Ah, that I do... tell me Draco... do you plan to accept the offered Quidditch position?"

"For the Lions? Why would I do that when I'm eventually going to be a Snake?" Draco asked bewildered

Dumbledore frowned "Mr. Malfoy, as I stated before... you won't be changing houses... the hat's word is law"

"But when my mother-"

"Even if your mother were to insist, I cannot rehouse you my boy... it simply cannot be done."


"Now, as for the Quidditch position" Dumbledore continued on with the previous discussion "I dare say, I would recommend you take it"

"What?! WHY?!"

"You say you want to protect Harry, correct?"

Draco nodded

"To do that, you'll need to be able to defend both him and yourself no matter what the situation... including flying. Quidditch, especially the Seeker position, would be a good way to practice flying with speed, as well as maneuverability and accuracy."

Draco had just opened his mouth to, once again, reject the offer, but was interrupted by a knock on the door

"Ah, right on time. Severus, welcome"

Draco turned to see his godfather enter the room and march straight up to the headmaster's desk

"Albus, are you sure this is a good idea? He's just a boy"

"Be that as it may, if there's anyone who can protect Potter, it's him"

"I repeat... he's Just A BOY. A bloody first year at that. he doesn't even know who Potter really is. He still thinks he's his actual brother... to tell him the truth will kill him"


"Who's Potter?" Draco finally asked, curiosity getting the best of him

Snape quickly turned around and finally took notice of the boy still sitting in the chair "Draco... how long have you been sitting there?"


"He got here before you did, Severus" Dumbledore answered

"So you heard everything?" Snape asked, never taking his eyes off the young Malfoy heir

Draco gulped as he nodded "Was I not supposed to?"

Snapes sighed as he ran his hand down his face "No, you weren't. At least not for a few more years... but I suppose it's too late now"

Draco was confused

"Draco" Dumbledore caught the boy's attention "What do you know about Voldemort?"

Draco looked panicked. He turned to look at his godfather for assistance and received a nod... okay, he can tell the truth then... "he's a half-blood monster who killed his own family"

"Ah... I see you told him the basics then" Dumbledore asked, looking at Snapes... who nodded "Draco" he turned back to the boy "what I'm about to tell you... you must never let get out. I notice you seem to have befriended Mister Ron Weasley and Miss Granger... should you wish to tell them, that is fine, so long as you feel you can trust them to keep it to themselves. Aside from that... you must not speak a word of this to anyone, for if word gets out that you know this secret your very life, and that of your brothers, may be in grave danger"

Saving Harry Malfoy - A Dramione FanficWhere stories live. Discover now