Chapter 6 - The Snitch

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Hermione turned to see both Ron and Draco running to catch up with her... she tightened her hold on her large book "Yes? Can I help you?"

"We... we just..." Ron tried to get out while as he tried to catch his breath from running after her

"We just" Draco picked up "wanted to say thank you for saving us last night and apologize for treating you so poorly... I want to apologize for treating you so poorly... you're bloody good at magic... too good for it to have been stolen, like I've always been told... its actually as if you were born with it, which, honestly... is the only thing that makes sense at this point... I'm sorry" Draco look at the ground as he scuffed his foot against the floor... it wasn't easy for a Malfoy to apologize like this

"Yeah... what... what he said..." Ron took a deep breath, held it, then let it out, finally seeming to be able to breathe properly again "Thanks, and... sorry Mione, about making fun of you like that... guess I was just... jealous that you were able to pick it up so easily on your first try" Ron admitted as he avoided her eyes

Hermione too avoided eye contact shyly "It's alright, I understand... I mean, I'm a muggleborn, and even amongst the muggles, I'm considered weird and too smart for my age... I've actually skipped a few grades back at my last public education, making me the youngest in all my classes before coming here, so... I'm used to being mocked and made fun of. I guess... I just figured that maybe I could make some actual friends in a new place where I'd have at least SOMETHING in common with another person my own age... so I'm sorry if it seems like I was trying to force friendship on you two, that was never my intention... I guess I'm just that desperate for meaningful bonds"

Both Draco and Ron look at each other... the muggles don't like her? Why not? I mean, sure... she was a swot, but... she was really talented, and... actually pretty cool too, so...

"Granger, would you like to sit at lunch with us?"

Hermione's head shoots up at the invitation as both she and Ron look at Draco in shock "Really?" she asked with a growing smile

Draco shrugged "Sure. It's the least we can do after you saved our arses last night"

Her smile grew twice as bright, if that was really even possible "Okay! Yeah, Sure! However, if we're going to be friends, then... no more Granger. Call me by my name... Hermione"

"What about Mione?" Ron asked

Hermione pondered it for a moment "Actually, you guys are the first to call me that... other than my little cousin, and he's two and a half, just now cutting his baby teeth and learning to talk... sure! Yeah, that sounds great! So then... what should I call you?"

"Whatever you do, don't call me Ronald... Mum usually only calls me that whenever I get into trouble... you CAN call me Ron, however"

"Alright, got it. And you Draco? Anything else you'd rather be called?"

"No... Draco is fine... really the only other nickname I have is Drake, but that's usually only reserved for Harry to call me... it just feels wrong coming from anyone else"

"That makes sense" Hermione shrugged "Honestly, I'd prefer to call you Draco anyway... it suits you MUCH better than Drake"

Draco felt his face begin to heat up and redden... he cleared his throat "So anyway... ready for lunch?"


Now, Draco may have been the one to suggest eating, but once he stepped into the Great Hall and noticed all the Slytherins looking at him with disgust and rage... he quickly lost his appetite

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