Chapter 7 - Defending Snape

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"Woah! Granger?" Draco asked as Hermione quickly ran up and engulfed him in a hug

"Your Broom... It Was Being Jinxed... Draco, You Could Have DIED!!!" Hermione answered as she pulled back to look at her friend

"She's right, mate" Ron said as he walked over to his two friends "The bloke was whispering spells and refused to break eye contact with you up there... Mione was actually the one to cause him to lose eye contact... probably saved your life... I'm starting to think we should probably keep her around"

"Thank you, Ronald, now, back to my original question... Draco, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, really. Maybe just a little shaken up, but I'm not physically hurt anywhere... Professor was right... Quidditch really does help with my flying skills" Draco answered "Which brings to note... who was trying to jinx me and why?"

"It was Professor-"

"A Professor?!" Draco interrupted her. Before she could respond though, the large half-giant walked up to them

"Ello youins... Draco, you alright?" Hagrid asked as he laid a giant hand on the first years shoulder. Draco nodded his confirmation "Dats good... Dumbledore asked me to come check on yeh, he did... what the bloody hell happened to yeh up dare? Ya nearly fell of yur broom!"

Before Draco could answer though, Hermione jumped in "His broom was being JINXED Hagrid"

"Jinxed?" Hagrid's eyes widened in shock "Who would jinx someone's broom like dat in da middle of a game? That's expelling worthy, dat is"

"But it wasn't a student!" Hermione answered "It was a Professor!"

"A Professor?" 

Hermione nodded "Professor Snape had been whispering spells without taking his eyes off Draco as his broom was going crazy!"

"Mione actually went over and caught the bloke's robe on fire" Ron smirked

"SNAPE?!?!?!" Draco asked in shock... that was LITERALLY impossible "That Is LITERALLY Impossible!"

"Draco's right" Hagrid confirmed "Why would Snape put a curse on Draco's broom?"

"Who knows... why was he trying to get past that three-headed dog on Halloween?" Ron asked

"Who told you about Fluffy?" Hagrid asked

"Fluffy?!" Draco asked in shock

"That thing has a name?" Hermione asked

"Well of course he's got a name, he's mine!" Hagrid answered "Bought him off Arish feller I met during the pub last year! Then I lent him to Dumbledore to guard the-"

"Yes?" Draco asked

"I shouldn'a said dat. No More Questions! Don't Ask Anymore Questions! Top secret dat is"

"But Hagrid, whatever Fluffy's guarding, Snape's trying to steal it!" Hermione stated... Draco was SERIOUSLY starting to consider if he should just TELL his two friends who Snape REALLY was

"Codswallop..." Hagrid began "Professor Snape is a Hogwarts Teacher!"

"Hogwarts teacher or not, I KNOW a spell when I see one" Hermione replied "I've read all about them... you've got to keep eye contact and Snape Wasn't Blinking!"

"Exactly" Ron agreed... oh man... how was Draco going to get his godfather out of THIS?!

Hagrid sighed "Now you listen to me, All THREE Of ya... yer meddlin in things that ought not to be meddlin in. it's Dangerous. What that dog is guarding is strictly between Professor Dumbledore and Nicholas Flamel"

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