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"What's motion?" Kayo asked strolling into Nahzir's living room followed by Marco and Nunk

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"What's motion?" Kayo asked strolling into Nahzir's living room followed by Marco and Nunk.

"Yeah definitely just walk up in my shit." Nahzir huffed ashing his blunt.

Nahzir stayed in a cool little townhouse not too far from where every thing was located. Trust he had the money to buy the flashy things , a big house, the luxury cars ;but why do that when you could just be low-key and stack yo' paper up.

"Shut up nigga , block is slow right now we ain't got shit else to do but chill." Marco said taking a seat next to Kayo on the couch adjacent from Nahzir.

"It's slow cause of yo' sister that's why. She takin all the customers. If anything we gone have to move to the east." Nahzir shrugged. Selling wasn't his only form of income so he wasn't worried. As far as his homeboys that was all they knew. He would never leave them high and dry if he was straight, they would also be straight.

"Kash? Kash don't sell no more"

Nahzir blankly stared at his homeboy. He was smart but didn't have any common. "I bet she told you dat huh? Nigga go ask around."

"Even i knew she still sold where the fuck you be at?" Nunk said scrunching his face up. "Is it time for you to put the weed down gang?"

"Fuck up. Finna ride over there , you coming?"

"Nah y'all got it. I needa go holla at my moms. I might slide through later."

"Aight fasho." Nunk and Marco dapped him up
before heading out the door.

"I assume you riding with me?" Nahzir asked Kayo who nodded his head.

"Ard." He stood up from the couch , fixing his Ksubi jeans before placing his gun in his waistband. He then felt around his pockets for the keys to his All black 2020 Jeep Trackhawk SRT.  Once he had his keys he and Kayo walked out of his home and got into his car.

He peeled down the streets of Atlanta maneuvering through traffic until he got to his mothers two story home. Parking his car behind her Infinity he and Kayo got out both checking their surroundings. He pulled out his key using it to unlock the door before stepping in. The smell of collard greens instantly filling his nostrils.

"Ma!" He called out making his presence known so he wouldn't scare her.

" I'm in the kitchen!" His mother Tasha called back.

He walked towards the kitchen seeing his mother at the counter stirring up some corn bread mixture.

"Wassup ma how you been?" He asked kissing her on the cheek before taking a seat on one of the vacant stools that stood up against the island.

"I've been alright just working. Yo' sister been a pain in my ass though."

" What she do?"

"She turn seventeen and think she can run the streets or sumn' with them fast ass girls she like to hang around."

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