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It was around 12 am, Kiyari was in her bedroom counting money per usual. Tatiana was over her house per usual , taking up oxygen. She wasn't sure why she kept Tatiana around, maybe because she was real familiar with her. She had a lot of love for Tatiana no doubt. And she was the only thing keeping her mind off of Draco. She also let her stay here since she was grieving over her brother. Kiyari felt a little guilty since she knew exactly who killed Tatiana's brother. Even though Draco showcased that he was the one who did it the other day when he and Tatiana got into
the verbal altercation, Tatiana still was searching for who killed Amir.

She has always been dumber than a bag of rocks.

Tatiana's phone began ringing from the other side of Kiyari. "Nope not yeen my buisness I will not pick up that phone."

But the phone continued to ring three more times ,prompting her to reach over and grab it.

"Kapree? Who wack ass mama name they child after a pair of pants." She said unlocking Tatiana's phone and going to their messages. The messages consisted of Tatiana flirting with the individual as well as sharing explicit photos back and forth.

"Ain't this some shit." Kiyari chuckled to herself and continued to surf through the phone. She then came up to a message thread between Synai and her where they set up the whole scheme to pin a pregnancy on Draco so he could get back
with Synai , and so Synai could keep Kiyari.

"Kiyari have you seen my phone-" Tatiana came into the room but stopped mid sentence when she seen the phone in the palm of Kiyari's hand.

"Yeah you can go ahead and get yo' shit and dip Tati." Kiyari blankly said tossing the phone to the side.

"Wait Kiyari it isn't what it looks like I swear"

"Yeah sending yo' pussy to another bitch was just a mistake huh? I'm not trippin. We definitely done though."

"This shit is crazy Kiyari! We've been together for damn near three years now we breaking up?!" Tatiana yelled getting into Kiyari's face.

"Tatiana you must've forgot i'm still a girl, I will whoop yo' ass shorty. Just get yo' shit and get the fuck out man."

"This is all so sudden we were just cool, like what is going on? You act like you're soooo faithful"

"It ain't yeen that. I just don't want no dealings witchu' no more. I got love for you but i'm not in love with you Tati. You're a burden. You're a good girl, go find someone who can give you the love I can't."

"Kiyari please baby we can work this out-"

"When's my birthday Tati? Hm? What's my favorite food? What's my mama name?"

"I- um... I don't remember."

"Tuh." She scoffed shaking her head. Kiyari was truly just a moneybag in Tatiana's eyes and it was starting to come to the light.

"You taking too long Tatiana i'll help you speed up the process." Kiyari grabbed a trash bag and went into her closet yanking down all of Tatiana's clothes and stuffing them into the bag , she then went to the dresser and emptied out each drawer that contained anything of Tatiana's. Even though she could've been petty and kept the clothes since she purchased majority of them she decided against it , she just wanted to wipe her hands clean with her as a whole.

Pulling open the front door she tossed the trash bags filled with Tatiana's things out. Kiyari also knew Tatiana wasn't faithful to her , and she wasn't faithful to Tatiana either so why try and make something work?

"I can't believe you doing me like this" Tatiana sniffled wiping her bloodshot red eyes. "It's because of Draco isn't it?"

"Stop bringing him up Tatiana! It don't got shit to do with him I been over you i swear."

"No I call bull shit! Every since he came around you been putting me on the back burner and shit. He can't treat you better than I can Kiyari and you know that."

"Are you done? Cause i'm done with this conversation."

"When you ready to be a grown woman you know where to find me."

"Yeah yeah fuck out." She slammed the door in her face and blew out a breath of air. That was one down 1 more to go. She pulled out her phone and tapped on Mireya's contact opening up their messages.



Oh so now you text me after ghosting me for a week... what do you want?

just letting you know that we can't be nun more than cool, allat my boo shit you was picturing w me , dead it.

Um okay? Weird..

Not even responding Kiyari just hearted the message and turned her phone off. Every since her semi argument with Draco she couldn't keep him off her mind , no matter how hard she tried. She wasn't use to being this fucked up over someone , and clearly it was taking a toll on her. Cause the typical "I don't give a fuck" Kash , was starting to give a fuck.

Putting her pride to the side she grabbed her keys and made her way out of the house and got into her Hellcat. As she drove she thought about what she was going to say to Draco , or how she was going to start the conversation. She wasn't the best at letting her feelings spill out on a platter. When she pulled up in front of Draco's home she parked on the other side of the road and turned off her engine debating on if she wanted to go inside or not. She would hate for him to blow her off , that would bruise her ego in the meanest way.

After deliberating with herself for at least twenty minutes she finally got out of the car and made her way up his driveway. She sent 4 hard knocks on his door. She heard the locks click and the door swung open revealing a shirtless Draco who had on nothing but a pair of black sweatpants, and his eyes were low as if he just got finished smoking.

"What you doing hea' Kiyari? it's damn near two in the morning." He rasped out looking down at her.

"I wasn't gone come over hea' honestly... ion know what you did to me Armani but i'm on you bad. Tried to fight that shit by entertaining other people but that shit not working. I apologize for playin in your face , cause i swear it didn't feel good when I seen you at the party in another girl face. Now you can say fuck me , that's cool i'll take my L."

He stayed silent for a moment licking over his lips before grabbing Kiyari's jaw softly and picking her head up. He pulled her face towards him and placed his lips onto hers, his other hand traveling down her back side gripping onto her waist. Kiyari could feel her heart speed up quickly yet a wave of relief washed over her.

Draco pulled away biting on her lip before the kiss could turn into something more. "You kno' it's bout time you came to yo' senses Kiyari?"

"i know Armani , don't remind me. So what does this mean now... for us?"

"Any nigga or bitch that play witchu' gotta see me. You been mine, know that." He smirked gripping onto her neck. His slight aggressiveness turned her own due to the fact that she was aggressive as well.

"i'm all for this sexy shit, but it's cold and I got
these little ass shorts on Armani."

"Oh shit , come on we gone roll up." He said pulling her into the house by the band of her shorts, being sure to close the door behind him.

Unbeknownst to them Zhania sat across the street parked a little ways down with Tatiana in the passenger seat , both of them watching the whole encounter. Tatiana could feel her blood boiling as she watched Draco kiss Kiyari. She officially hated him. Zhania hated that she didn't have access to Draco anymore... she hated that Kiyari did. She was going to everything in her power to make her way back into his life.. she just had to get rid of the main problem .. Kiyari.

finally they working on sum y'all can stop being mad at me now 🙄

ofc i had to throw in a lil messy at the end tho
i wouldn't be me if i didn't.

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