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"Armani im bout to head out, I need to relax a lil bit before Nene party."

"Uhn uhn take this dog witchu'"

"No. He's yours."

Earlier today Kiyari stopped by Nahzir's house and gifted him an emotional support dog. She knew that he had bad anxiety , so she thought having a small companion might help him out.

"You such a deadbeat , gone leave me with a puppy while you go out and be a slut." Nahzir joked as he followed behind her out of the house.

" Don't worry i'll be back to see my son , until then hold it down." She spoke sliding into her car. He tapped on her window prompting her to roll down her window . "Wassup?"

He grabbed her jaw slightly which caught her off guard. She noticed that he had become touchy lately, she assumed physical touch was his way is showing love. He would often grab her face and check for marks , things of that nature. "Be safe.. call me if you need sumn." She simply nodded her head.

"Words Kiyari."

"I'll call you Armani."

"Aight. I'll see you tonight." She watched him walk back into the house before she sped out of the drive way.

She and Nahzir became closer and closer over the weeks that they've known each other. They were alike in many ways come to find out.

Kiyari's phone began ringing , she answered the incoming call through her apple car play.

"Talk to me."

"Hey hoe."

"Hello Nunk" She chuckled. "What you need?"

"Come get me i'm bored"

"Why you not with Sam?"

"She mad at me and some moe' shit.  You know how we be."

"Shouldn't you be getting ready for Nene party?"

"Dammit Kash just come get a nigga I got clothes at yo' shit."

"Aight here I come." She ended the call and made a U-turn to drive towards Nunk's crib. Once she pulled up she honked the horn and he immediately came outside with a duffel and his play station.

"Excuse me? I didn't know you were moving in?"

"I figured I pack me a little spend a night bag" He tossed the duffel into the back and slid into the passenger seat.

"You so lucky I love you." She said backing out of his driveway.

Kiyari and Dmarje have always been close ever since she moved down to Atlanta. He was the first person she encountered in middle school and they instantly clicked. He stood ten toes for her and she did the same for him.

She soon pulled into Lennox mall and parked near the front entrance. She was a last minute shopper and had to get something for Niavah quick.  She and Nunk both got out of the car and headed into the entrance of the mall.  Kiyari knew exactly where she was going , Neiman Marcus.

"Why you bring me to this mall Kash? You kno' I got spending problems" Nunk huffed immediately spotting a pair of Lanvin's that caught his eye.

"Yeah not gonna lie you gotta do better. I ain't never met a nigga with a master bedroom designated to clothes and shoes."

"Not too much on me bookie. Whatchu' need from hea' anyway?"

"Get Nene some shoes a' sum."  She said walking over to a section where the heels were spotting two pairs of heels that she knew Niavah would like. A pair of YSL Black Opyum heels and a pair of Versace  Metallic Butterfly Ankle Tie sandals.

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