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Kiyari woke up with her hair all over her face. Her body was tangled in between the sheets. She stood up from the bed her knees buckling slightly as she limped towards the bathroom. She pushed open the door and was greeted by Draco who was stepping out of the shower.

"Good morning neighbors know my name"

Kiyari threw her finger up pushing past him to brush her teeth. She looked at her reflection in the mirror , her eyes were puffy , lashes halfway off, and her edges were going every which way.

"I hope you know you're paying for my lashes."

"Not a problem. I'm havin' I ain't no sucka'" He shrugged slipping on his briefs then his shorts.

After she finished brushing her teeth she stepped into the already running shower to cleanse her body.

"Armani who told you to use my soap!?"

"I did boo."

"Fuckin' sassafras" She mumbled to herself pouring the Native soap onto her loofah.

After her shower she stepped out and slipped on a pair of Nike leggings with the sports bra to match. She then did her edges to make herself look somewhat presentable.  When she was done in the bathroom she cut out the light and walked back into the bedroom taking a seat next to Draco who laid against the headboard with one hand in resting in his pants.

"So I guess it's time for us to talk now."

"Mhm." He nodded his head hitting the power button on his phone and placing it to the side.

"So i'll start. I apologize for disrespecting you and talking to you crazy. I cut ties with Mireya and I want to focus on us. No more arguing."

"I apologize for just walking away from
the situation and not communicating with you , i'm tryna work onnat. I just don't like feeling played wit' cause I ain't gone play wit' you."

"I understand. Again i'm sorry."

"It's cool ma, apology accepted. Whole time I wasn't even pose to get up innat' last night. I just felt like you was playin' with my intelligence and shit. Had to show you who really run shit."

"Oh you smelling yourself now Armani. Youn' run shit round here."

"On who I don't Kiyari?" He raised his eyebrow before firmly gripping her jaw to face him. "I had you running from sumn' and it wasn't 12."

"I didn't run from shit."

"You so in denial and that's okay. Imma let
you have that pretty. Imma just pretend you wasnt saying "fuckkk baby take some outtt it's too muchhhh"

"Aight you got oh my gosh , you win."

"I know." He smirked planting a kiss onto her forehead.

"So what have I missed since we've spent time apart?" Kiyari questioned.

"Well I ain't been on shit forreal besides getting my shop and shit together. That's making progress. Mahalia stopped by my crib to talk when we had got into it I ended up cutting her off and shit. You?"

"Nun making money."

"So you ain't miss me? Don't front Anahni"

"Maybe a little bit, just a smidge , like this much" She said pinching her fingers together.

"Mmcht. You bogus"
"I wanna take you out Kiyari , just me and you."

"Really? Lil ole' me? I've never been taken out on a date."

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