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Kiyari's phone repeatedly buzzed after she hit the decline button twice already. Finally giving in she snatched her phone off the nightstand and answered the call without looking at the caller id first.


"What? That's how you answer your mother's phone call?"

"Oh sh- my fault ma I was sleeping. What's up?"

"You know your nana's birthday is coming up right? You forgot what we do?"

Sighing out loud and smacking her teeth she hated this conversation cause her mom knew how she felt about going around that side of the family.

"Ma i'm not going to Chicago. I'll send nana sumn' and facetime her "

"Aht. This will be your third year not going Kiyari. I'm not fucking playing with you. Just bring your friends with you. You will be fine."

"Mmcht. Aight ma."

"Me and your father are leaving tomorrow so go ahead and get packed and buy your ticket."

"Tomorrow? Oh hell no. I was more so thinking I fly up there the day of and fly right back out."

"Kiyari Anahni Dukes. I swear for God—"

"Okay Ma! I'll be there."

"Perfect! Tell everyone I said hello." She blew a kiss into the phone before hanging up.

Snatching the covers off of herself she threw her legs off the bed and slipped on her Scooby Doo slippers. She walked into her connected bathroom and brushed her teeth as well as handled her skincare before making her way downstairs.

"Niggas in my house for the free and ain't made no breakfast?" She announced walking into the kitchen.

"Girl boo better pour you up some cereal" Nunk
said in between bites of Frosted Flakes. "Ain't no pots rattling today."

"Not like you know how to cook anyways" She rolled her eyes opening up the cabinet to grab a bowl and some Froot Loops. "Where my man at?"

"Why you dick eating him?"

"Technically i haven't ate the dick y—"

"Okay thank you. No need to continue." Nunk said scrunching his face up in disgust.  "He and Marc went to go drop off Ulani to her mama house.  Nene went out with someone  and Sam went to the gym."

"Nobody thought to wake me up first??  Yall fake"

"And get our asses cussed out? No thanks."

"Anyways. We're going to Chicago tomorrow morning."  Kash said sliding into the stool next to him with her bowl of cereal.

"Who going? I'm not going up to that deadly ass city."

"And Atlanta is any better ? As if yo' homeboy ain't knock somebody off infront of you?"


On cue the front door alarm sounded off and in walked Niavah.

"Hell you been at ?" Nunk eyed her suspiciously.

"Out. Why you questioning me? Whose father are you?" She snapped back placing her things onto the counter. "Hey Yari" she turned her attention towards her best friend placing a tender kiss onto her cheek.

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