every fangirls dream...

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Hi lovleys!! Im so sorry i havent updated in like months!! i HAVE STARTED A NOTHER FANFIC , ABOUT ASHTON !! go CHECK IT OUT !! I PROMISE TO UPDATE A WHOLE LOT MORE !! IM NOT SURE HOW MUCH OF THIS FANFIC IS LEFT BUT I THINK THERE MIGHT BE A SEQUAL !! IM sorry this is a sucky chapter but i needed to update ! I promise there will be a bunch of action between Izzy and Luke !! Let me know your thoughts about the story in the comments down below!

When we got back to the house i opened the door with Alina tagging behind me. I texted the idiots and told them to hide behind the bed in the guest room , which is where Alina will live for the next two days untill we go onto the tour bus, and start the tour!

As i opened the door the boys jumped up and Michael , Alina's "future husband" gave her a hug. i may have told him about her blogs and slight obsession with him.... but anyway...........

Her reaction was priceless . i could tell she was trying not to fangirl or do anything stupid that could ruin her future with Michael. She looked at me with the cutest and happiest face ever!

"ALLIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNNAAAAAAAAAAAA" , they all screamed and dog piled on her. Her face was a tomato . To her , it was a dream come true.

When they got off of her i ran and locked them in the room and yelled '"BOND "

Luke yelled " you idiot i have to pee"

"sorry Hemmings , be a man,"

" I am a man."

"says the boy who sleeps with a stuffed penguin."

"i could say the same about you ..."

" Shut up hemmo."




so i let them out and left Ash and Mikey in there with Alina.

You see Ashton was her first favorite and then as she got more emo she feel desperately in love with Michael .. aka my brother .

when Luke got out of the bathroom he called me back upstairs.

" Ya Luke"

"i think we need to talk...."

i've seen movies , and this is never a good sign...

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