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  • Dedicated to Turtle

HI this is my fist fanfic so its probably terrible! i put the song therapy in the down bar. that inspired the chapter. ( well kinda) listen to it while u read this. it really sets the scene.


That's my name and i hate it . My parents just had to name me Isabelle . What about something cool and exotic like Katniss or Clary . Something from books . Maybe then i could live in an imaginary world so i could forget all my problems and start all over again. To be honest i hate the world. What good is it ? My parents fought and me and my brother Michael got separated when i was only 5 and he was 7 . My dad took him away to Australia and i never got to see him again. i get yelled at for even saying anything related to him.

  ( Flashback)

It was late March and i was asleep when i heard Michael crying . Not knowing what to expect i ran down the bumpy stair case with my stuffed penguin in my small hand . When i got to the end of the stairs i saw my dad taking nothing but Michael and a small suitcase . With my mother crying on the couch and Michael begging not to leave ,i knew what was happening.My dad stopped dead in his tracks when he saw me. I froze . Time froze around me . My parents looked me right in the eye as to apologize but they didn't move from their positions , or say s word to me. Mikey broke free of father and ran to me. He hugged me knowing he would still be forced to leave me ether way. i felt his tears drop on my Cinderella night gown . At that point i cried into his arms never wanting to let go, and he kissed my forehead . In a blink of an eye he was yanked away from me and pulled out the door by my father.

( End of Flashback)

I was pulled out of my thoughts when the car stopped . You see my mom told me we were moving . she wanted a new beginning , to start fresh , away from the world she knew back in America. SO........ we moved to Sydney Australia . your probably wondering my on earth would she move to wear my dad is. I wondered that to until she told me the details.

Apparently my dad was on a business trip in America and ran into my mom. I guess they stayed in touch and just decided to be friends. Stupid i know right.Why would she want to be in touch with the man who took her son away? Who caused Chaos?

 So i guess she wanted me to see my brother. But that wasn't really official . I have no clue what he even looks like. i don't even know his last name. When my dad left she used her last name which was Rider. At the time i was to little to remember what my dads last name was.

I took out my phone and paused the song Amnesia from my favorite band 5 Seconds of Summer. They helped me through so much . My favorite is Luke but i love them all. I always get told i look like Michael but i don't see it. Anyway , as i put my phone is my purse  i stepped out of the car and looked around . The house was spectacular . i wasn't very big but compared to what we lived in it was better then anything i could have asked for.

"Do you like it ?" i heard my mom say as she got out of the truck.

Instead of words i hugged her. Even though we had our problems and fights i loves moments like this. She hugged me back and we went inside.

The place was dimly lit and their were a staircase going up to the top floor.The kitchen was big and connected to the TV room. There was a flat screen TV on the wall next to shelves full of movies. i took a quick glance at then and saw most of my favorites , like, Harry Potter , Hunger Games , Mortal Instruments , Independence Day , Anchorman , and Divergent. I smiled to myself and went upstairs.I immediately knew what room was mine. It was painted black and had posters in it ( mostly 5sos 1D and Green Day) my bedspread had the Harry Potter symbol and a bunch of other fandom things .  i had a book shelf going up my wall and a desk by it. It was perfect.

When me and mom got all the boxes out of the moving truck and unpacked  a bit we decided to watch a movie before ordering dinner. We decided to watch one of my favorites which was Anchorman ! About 40 minutes in the doorbell rang .I looked out the peep whole and saw a hot guy. i panicked .I straightened my blink 182 tee shirt and opened the door.

He looked about 2 years older then me and he looked like he was Asian. He had dark hair whith blond hightlights , and dark brown eye - Shit that's Calum Hood.

What the heck do i do now ?....

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