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Keiko's POV: It all started when I left work. It was mid October, close to Halloween, and I had the feeling of being followed. Little did I know I was being stalked by a monster. Let's start from the beginning of the day. I had just woken up from a nightmare, and- oh yeah! I'm forgetting my manners! I'm Keiko. Keiko Davisen. I'm going to be 20 in a few months. I just graduated from high school, and I plan to go to college. Just not sure which one. Anyways, I have green eyes, not plain greens, but vibrant green eyes. It's not very common for black people to have green eyes,unless your mom is Hawaiian, and your dad is black, you know, awesome lookin baby!

I have long, black hair, from my mom, thank god! And I had recently dyed my bangs red. Anyways, I bolted up, breathing heavily. I looked around my dark room, heart pounding in my ears. I look at the clock, and it reads 6:00 AM. 'It's only six, okay, okay, I'm fine... I'm fine." I sit there for a few minutes, and then I stand up, and yank my curtains open. The light is blinding, but I don't care. I look outside, and then open the window, letting in cool air from the outside. I lean out, and take a deep breath. It's a nice October morning. I wish I could play in the leaves with my niece, who had recently moved in with me. She's only a year younger than me. She'll be 19 in December.

I sigh and turn away from the window, but I stop, when I see a flash of white in the woods across the street from my apartment. I turn around to see it, but it's gone. I shuddered, an pd thought nothing of it. Maybe it was just an animal. I shrug it off, and walk into the living room, and plop on to the couch. I turn the tv on, and the first thing to pop up was the news. " Last night, 20 year old Natanya McColes has disappeared from her home. Her family says they didn't hear anything, her car is still in the parking spot, and all that was left behind, was a red rose. If anyone knows where she is, call this number at the bottom of the screen. We must find her soon, or God knows what could happen to her. And now to Mike for Sports..."

I zoned out the sports update because I'm not a real sports fan. This girl, Natanya.... I hope she's okay. I'm scared, because last night, I thought I heard screaming coming from the woods. I sat up, and looked out, but saw nothing. I went out to the kitchen to get a snack, and what I found, that was standing out in the dark, was a single, red rose. I dropped my cup of pudding and just stood there, as I realized my door was wide open. I turned all the lights on, but no one was in here. I still have the rose, and I don't know why. Maybe I have a new stalker, or secret admirer. Which ever it is, I'm gonna have to get my locks changed after I leave work tonight. I look at the screen, and notice it's 7 o'clock now.

I get off the couch lazily, and walk back to my room, where the next half hour becomes a blur as I walk to my room, brushing my hair, dressed in my work clothes. I work as a guitarist at this local club, The Taste of Hollywood. I play multiple songs a day, and sometimes of my manager lets me, I'll sing. The people get to choose which song I perform. I know every song there is to play in the club, and sometimes, if there's some newbies in the club, I get tips, sometimes really good tips. It's only until I go off to college, and so i can take care of my niece who is now a senior. I put my hair in a messy bun, and grab my Converse and my guitar. I pull my shoes on, I strap my guitar around my back, then I reach for my keys, and motorcycle helmet. I leave a note for my niece, that I left some pancakes in the microwave for her.

I jump out the door, and rush downstairs as I check my phone. I look around, at the lazy looking morning and jog to my motorcycle. I put the key in, and start it, causing almost everyone to wake up, and take turns yelling at me. I hear animals barking and yowling to my engines, and make a big show by revving up my engine. I laughed and rode out of the parking lot, and onto the street, heading 6 miles to the club. The October air is cold on my ungloved hands. I feel the cold trying to find the smallest crack or opening in my jacket, to touch me, sending chills down my back.

The next hour became another blur, mainly because of the damn traffic. Fuck this traffic. I need to find a new way to work. As I wait for this never ending traffic jam, I found myself staring at something in the woods. I see a white and black figure staring back at me. It doesn't have a face, only a mouth. It appears to be smiling at me. It sends a chill down my back, as I see that it's also naked. And appears to be male. It ear my gaze away just as a horn sounded behind me, I jumped and looked back at an angry mother with her kids in the car, spouting curse words here and there at me. Il giggle as I see her kids faces change into horror as to what's coming out of their mothers mouth.

I speed up and broke the speed limit and I arrive at work 30min early. What a surprise. The fact that I never get to work so early, is really odd. I'm always on time, not early. Anyways, took my helmet off and brought it inside with me. I set up my stage area and helped the staff set up the club, I helped make the music choices for me to play. I even had a drink. I'm friends with everyone at the club. Everybody knows me, and I've hung out with everyone that works here. I've even messed around with a few of them too. Just don't tell the boss! I smile as I think about it all, until a tall guy walks through the doors.

I swear I could hear angels singing when I saw him. Everything was now going to slow motion, and I knew it was rude to stare, but I couldn't stop. All I knew was that he was mysterious in a hot kind of way.

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