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-I guess this is how he would look irl... Huh not bad...👌-

Keiko's POV:

I sleep until noon the next day and wake up in Jeff's dried, bloodied hoodie and smile, and I look around the dark room. I look at the window and stand up and walk to it and yank away the curtains, the light burning my eyes.

I hiss and hide from the light like a vampire and blink rapidly and then step into the light and open the window and walk out to the balcony and move the empty wine bottles out of the way and lean over the balcony rail and sigh happily. I smile and feel at peace. I stand there, admiring nature and then look at the room and then go in and explore more of the huge room.

I go through the nightstand drawers and then think, I wouldn't want anyone goin through my stuff... This is wrong... I think as I close the drawer and a journal slides out and falls on my foot. "Fuck!!" i jump up and hold my foot and pick up the notebook. I open it and it says Women I've Lured
Amanda- 14

I frown and hurt wells up inside me. This is the journal he keeps and he writes down the names of the women he's lured and.... Killed... I'm next... Hm, my name is even underlined.... I sigh and throw the book on the bed and leave the room, tying my hair up and rolling up the sleeves of the hoodie and I go downstairs and look for Slendy. "He's out back." L. Jack says as he sucks on the lollipop on the couch, watching old fashioned horror flicks with Smile dog and Jeff and I hug Jeff from behind and swipe the lollipop out of Jack's mouth and put it into mine. "Hey!" he says and turns to look at me. "Hi!" i smile with the lollipop on my cheek and head to the backyard as Jeff snickers at Jack and Jack growls and I giggle as I slip out the door and see Slendy and Sally drawing. I smile. "Hey Sally!" she turns and runs to hug me. "I was so scared! I thought I'd never see you again!!" I feel my sweats start to get wet from blood and tears. I rub her head. "It's okay... I'm here now...." I kneel down and wipe her eyes. "No tears.. You're too beautiful for that..." I smile and she grins and hugs me. I stand up and she goes back to drawing.

"Hey Slendy? Can you show me where the cleaning supplies are? I wanna do some spring cleaning, and add some color to my new room." i smile and he nods and takes me inside and tells Sally to stay and goes to a door under the stairs and opens it and brooms, mops, full and empty paint cans fall out at our feet. My eyebrows raise and he pats my back and smiles leaves. I sigh and look through the paints and find a nice red.

I smile and pick it up and pick up a paint brush and paint roller, a face mask, two tarps for the floor, and a paint tray and carry them upstairs. Jeff watches me struggle and he helps me out and offers to help me paint but I deny and he shrugs it off and helps me to my room and hugs me and goes back downstairs. I vacuum as I sing along to Dead!-MCR.

I smile and spread the tarps down and pull down the old curtains and tons of dust swirl in the light and spit and cough and throw them on the balcony and look around the room as Whore by In This Moment comes on and I jam out and start singing along. "LET ME BE YOUR WHORE!!!!" I scream and Jeff comes in and screams back, "I AM THE DIRT, YOU CREATED!!!" i laugh and shoo him out the room.

I smile and sing along to the rest of the song. I wish I could scream like her... I think and put a face mask on and open the first can of paint and get to work. After a while, I grab a ladder so I can paint higher. I hum along to New Perspective by P!ATD and finish 3 out of 4 walls by dinner time. I smile when Jeff calls me down to eat and admires how much I did on my own. "It looks great in here!" "Thanks..." i fix my hair and we go downstairs to eat and I see Emma, L. Jack, Sally, Splendorman, Trendorman,Masky, Hoodie, BEN, Jane, Judge Angels, Nina, The Puppeteer, Jason, and Slenderman passes out plates of food and I sit at the long table between E. Jack and Jeff as a plate of Spaghetti is placed in front of me and I giggle. Creepypastas eating pasta... I smile and start to eat. After an hour of eating and talking, I take my plate to the kitchen and wash it off and head upstairs to my room to finish the last wall and change and wash the paint off my hands and i keep the window open so the walls can dry. "Maybe Masky will take me to the store so I can buy stuff for my room. " i say to myself.

I leave the bathroom and I plop on the bed as Here by Alessia Cara comes on and I sing along and I close my eyes, feeling the passion in the song. After the song finshes i hear an applause and open my eyes to everyone clapping and grinning. I blush wildly and cover my face. "W-where you guys there the while time?" "Oh yeah... You sound amazing!" Jeff says and pats my head. I blush even more as everyone compliments me and leaves. I say goodnight and I notice the journal from earlier on the floor and i read through more names and roll my eyes.

I come across a page that talks about what he did to the women. Tears fill my eyes as I read that he charms or lures them so he can use them and kill them.  He either kills them or cuts them and uses them.I cry and throw the book across the room and cry.  Oh god... What if he... What if he does those things to me? He'd never do that stuff to me... Would he? He hasn't done any of these things to me... But... Will he? I lay down and turn out the light as the pale blue moonlight shines in and illuminates the room and I cry into my pillow, scared for my life. I cry and cry until i fall asleep and dream of him.

-So... Yea... I just learned a few new things about ol' Offendy.... Not a very good guy.... #isscarredforlife Annnnywaaays, what else should I add into the story? Like any other Creepypastas i forgot or something?? Eh, I love you alls! Thanx for all your support! I really appreciate it! ❤  And until next time, Stay awesome Bros! MEHEHHHHHHH!*brofist*-

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