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-I want my hair like that.. But it's so short... Ugh... Wtf... Why does the story keep getting cut off?? Any ways,here's the rest of it... -

Keiko's POV:

I can feel his warm, shaky breathe on my lips and then he kisses me gently. He wraps his arms around me and kisses me hard. I blush hard and wrap my arms around his neck. He slides one hand up and down my body, going slower when he gets to bottom of the shirt. He starts to kiss my neck and I moan softly. "J-jeff.... We can't..." He shushes me by kissing me again and he grabs my ass. He pulls away. "I won't tell if you won't. And it'll only be this one time. I promise." I blush and think about it for a second and sigh. "Okay... Only this one time... That's it." I feel him smile wider than usual again and he kisses my neck softly. I blush hard and moan softly. He then shifts and gets on top of me and the next few hours were a blur.

°the next morning°

I wake up in Jeff's arms, his slow and warm breath tickling my neck. I smile and look around the dim room seeing a computer on a desk on the opposite of us against the wall, a bookshelf to the right of it and then a TV stand to the left of it. I look at the door across from us and smile again. I hear Jeff groan and wrap his arms around my naked body tighter and I blush, remembering what we did last night. I turn to him and can't tell if he's sleep. Oh Jeff... I see why you burned off your eyelids, but... Ugh.... I wave my hand in his face and he looks at it and his eyes follow it. "Good morning little miss 'I'm not tight at all!'" He grins wider and giggles. I blush really hard and hide my face. "Oh shut it, you..."

He laughs softly and kisses me. I blush harder and sit up, covering my chest. Ugh... I need to stop doing this.... Jeff sits up and plays with my messy hair and kisses my neck. I giggle and start to climb out the bed, but Jeff wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me back. "Ugh! Je-eeff! I need to go see if Jack is okay! Let go!"  He giggles and kisses my cheek and then lets go. I smile and climb out the bed and get dressed quickly and hug Jeff and leave the room. I walk around the upstairs for a second and come across a room with the door cracked and I go to it and open it. This Eyeless Jacks room! I think and I look at the bed and there he is.. Sleep. I smile and sneak up behind him and  touch his shoulder and notice someone else in the bed next to him. A girl with bright blonde hair. I look at him and he turns and looks at me his eyebrows go up and he sits up. " Uhhhh... I'-its not what it looks like...." I look at the girl in the bed and then Jack, my eyes starting to water. "K-keiko? Please don't cry... " he reaches for my hand and I slap him hard and run out the room. "Keiko! Wait!" He yells as he runs after me down the hall and I run into Offenderman's room and slam the door shut, locking it. "Keiko, please! I'm sorry! Unlock the door! Please let me in!" I run to the bed and sob into the pillows as I hear Jeff's muffled voice talking to Jack on the other side if the door. I hate this place! I want to go home.

"Keiko? Sweetheart are you okay?" Slenderman says from the other side of the door. "No! I'm not okay!!" I sob. " Will you let me in so I can talk to you?" I stay silent for a while. "Keiko honey?" I sniffle and get up and unlock the door. Slenderman walks in and I catch Jack leaning against the banister and he gives me a sad look and I close the door.

°30mins later °

"Ah.. I understand." He hugs me as I sob hard. He pats my back. "You know, I have a soft spot for you. Usually I don't when Offenderman brings home his killings. But you little Missy... You're different from the others. You're special. He just hasn't seen it yet." "Where is he?" "He left. He thought you'd be better off without him. He said that he would be back, but didn't say when. And he said that he went away to become a better man for you. I don't know what you did. But you changed him." He gets up and heads for the door. "I'll have BEN bring your bag of clothes upstairs for you. Okay? So sit tight. When you're dressed, feel free to come downstairs. Emma will be here soon, and said she wants to take you shopping to take your mind off of him."  I smile.  Thank you Em. You're the best! I think as Slenderman leaves and I look around the room.

When I head to the balcony, BEN walks in with my stuff and I smile and hug him. "Thanks man! You're awesome." He smiles and playfully punches my arm."No problem. A friend of Emma's is definitely a friend of mine!" I smile and start to shoo him out so I can get dressed. I dig through my clothes and look out the window. The trees are bare. It must be close to the end of November... Wow... How long have I been here? I sigh and put some panties on and then my favorite skinny jeans and my Greenday: American Idiot band shirt with my black jacket and I put some socks on and then my Batman converse and go to the bathroom and look for a brush and take out long strands of black hair. Is this Jeff's brush? I think as I brush my hair out and then look for something to tie my hair up with.  I look in the drawers and E. Jack walks into the bathroom and I feel my stomach drop. "Keiko... Look I'm sorry you saw that... I can explain why she was in my bed. You see, I went out last night and-" I groan and  roll my eyes. "Look Jack. I don't care. Okay?" I tie my hair up. "So do you forgive me?" "No. I hate you." I turn off the light and leave him in the dark, going downstairs and then seeing Emma walk through the door. "Hey Em! Let me grab a bite to eat then we can go, okay?" I head for the kitchen. "Nice hair!" I say noticing her now blue hair.  "Thanks! But I wanna get something at the Mall. I'll buy!" I smile.

"A pretzel?" I say cautiously. She smiles and nods. Jeff comes running down the stairs and hugs me. "Can I go?" I look at him. "Uhh Jeff? You're gonna freak people out if they see you. No offense, but your face is creepy to new people who have never heard of you." He nods, considering it and then pulls out shades and puts them on. "Well? Can I go now? I just got my mouth stitched so my mouth looks normal! I look like the Joker from The Dark Knight!!" I giggle and Emma nods and Jeff runs out the door. "Shotgun!!!" He yells and hops in the car. "I'm going too." Eyeless Jack says. I roll my eyes and head for the door. "No." He sighs. "Of course you can come, Jack. Just make sure you don't wear your mask. Just put on shades like Jeff. And don't smile. I'll do your make up son your skin looks normal." He smiles and I go outside and get in the back seat. Jack and Emma walk out and wave goodbye and then hop in, and BEN runs out at the last second. He comes to the car  and tells Jeff to get in the back. Jack gets in next to me and put his hand on mine and I slide it out of his and ask Jeff If he can sit between us and he agreed. We all get buckled up and head for the Mall.

~Ugh.... This story is NOT going the way I wanted it to go... Shite... Oh well... Happy new year....~

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