Mini Story part2

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Jack's POV:

I wake up, dazed and confused. What year is it? I say in my head as I sit up. I rub my face, avoiding my eye sockets and I squint in the dark and feel someone else on my bed. I jump and they groan and shift, facing me.

I reach down to touch their face and I feel Keiko. I smile and kiss her forehead. I get up change into my pj's and leave the room quietly and walk into the dark hallway, heading to the stairs. I go downstairs and walk towards the kitchen. I open the fridge and take out a bloody jar and open it, using my long tongue to take out a kidney and smell it and sigh in pleasure. I bite and my taste buds go wild. I then shove it all in my mouth and take kidney after kidney out of the jar, shoving them in my mouth.

I can feel myself drooling as I eat. I'm surprised that I'm not really fat. I must have a fast metabolism. I chew fast and breathe hard. I close my eyes and stop for a second. I have a problem. Gluttony... I have to stop eating so much... But... I can't help it. Kidneys are sooo good. I can't resist the scent... I smell a kidney in my hand, or the sound it makes when you take it from someone's abdomen.... Or the... The taste... I open my mouth to bite it when I feel a presence behind me. I put it down and turn, seeing Offenderman.

"Oh.... It's you..." I say, licking my fingers and closing the top on the jar. He stands there, not saying anything. "You're not going to take her from me. She's mine. Do you hear me? MINE!" he growls and takes a step towards me. "Well if you knew how to treat her right,I might not have to protect her so much! You sick bastard!" he growls and grabs ne by my shirt and lifts me up. "Listen here, you gluttonous pig, you try anything with her, and you'll have more things missing than just your eyes!" he drops me and leaves out the back door. I frown and go to lock the door. I check every window and door and lock it and go back upstairs to my room and lay in bed with Keiko. She wakes up softly and says in groggy voice, "What happened?" i smile. "Nothing, cutie. I went to use the bathroom." "You were gone for a while though...*cough* Sorry... It's just... Your breathe smells like blood.. I don't mind it, it's just I'm not used to smelling blood. Heh... I'm gonna have to if I'm going to live with murders... No offense.." she kisses my cheek. I feel bad that my breathe smells like blood from the kidneys. I kiss her hard and she whimpers softly and I pull away.

"What's wrong?" "Your mouth tastes like blood. What were you doing in bathroom?" i sigh and tell her about my eating problem. She sighs holds my favew. "Jack... You have to slow down. You can't be eating so much at a time..." "But-" "No. No buts, ands, or what if's... You'll have to do this... if not for yourself... Then for me... Please..." I sigh and nod. "I will..." I kiss her.

"For you.." she smiles and kisses me and slide on top of her. She wraps her arms around my neck and kisses me harder. I blush hard and feel her blush when I accidentally poke her. I pull away, "Heh... S-sorry..." i start to slide off of her when she wraps her legs around me and bites my lip. I blush and moan softly, and I poke her again. She moans I blush wildly. She puts her big toes on the waist band of my underwear and slides them down slowly. I kiss her and grab her chest, squeezing them hard and roughly, making her moan. I kiss her neck and she holds my head as my underwear slides off and I slide my hands down her sides and to her pj pants and hook my thumbs on them and pull them down slowly along with her panties and I kiss her chest as she moans.

Is this what sex feels like? I think as I look at her and she looks up at me and nods, ad I push myself into her. She moans and grips the covers. My breathe shudders and I look at her. God she's so tight! I blush and my heart races, and go all the way in.

I bite my lip and look at her and kiss her hard, starting to thrust slowly and gently as she moans loudly, wrapping her legs around me. I moan softly and grip her hair. She digs her nails into my back and I moan loudly, suddenly thrusting hard. She screams and I blush, continuing to thrust harder.

She moans in my ear and I moan in hers. I love her... And.... I hope... That she loves me too.... I kiss her and think, How could this get any better?

°next morning°

I wake up and see Keiko looking worried, her head in her handsb sitting up. I sit up. "What's wrong, hun?" i kiss her cheek. I look between her legs and see something blue, white and purple. I freeze and look at Keiko and she looks at me and looks away as I pick it up... It's...a pregnancy test?? Oh man... T-that fast? It happens that fast?? I look at it, and my heart stops when i see the little blue plus sign.

I look at Keiko and she says, "Jack...? D-don't freak out, but.... You.... Might be a father..." she looks at me worriedly and i see her pulse racing. I look at the test and joy fills up inside of me. I grin and hug her tight, kissing her hard. "I'm so happy that I'm going to be a father!" "Well, it's not certain... I'm not sure if it's yours or Offenderman's..." i kiss her. "I don't care! We have to tell them! We have to plan for a baby shower! We have to buy baby items!" She blushes and smile, tears welling up in her eyes and i hug her. "I love you, Jack..." she whispers. My heart skips a beat and I grin widely.

"I love you too..."

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