That wasn't the fμ€king plan...

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°Poor guy....°

Offenderman's POV:

God dammit... Why... Did I have to hit her?! She'll never forgive me!! But... I can't... Be allowed. To... Care. She's just going tobe mu little sex toy... That's it. Nothing more... I think to myself and I run home with her flung over my back. I sneak in and go into the basement, laying her on an old bed where we had Jeff sleep when he first arrived. I set up a near invisible camera in the corner of the room so I can see every part of the room. She lays there, and I look at her. I sigh as my heart breaks. I could never show her my real form... After what happened with the last girl, (the comic...) I know how she's going to react... She's going to think I'm a monster... She'll call me a freak... And I'll have to make her forget me... And kill her... I think as I watch her sleep and then leave the room. I groan and lock the door and slowly walk up the basement stairs and I go to my room, changing back into my original form and strip, getting into the bed naked. It's a good thing we're off tomorrow....
I think as I lay on my side and realise that I forgot something! I have to activate the camera! I can connect the live feed into my laptop... Ugh... I'd need BEN.... I email BEN and he sticks his head out my computer. I scream and punch him. "Ow! You.... Ugh!!" his face turns red with anger. Huh... Usually he'd be cursing me out... Oh yeah! His girl Emma has gotten him to stop cursing... I half smile as he growls and he comes out of the laptop and he types a little bit before turning to me. "Who's that in the bed in the basement?" he says, looking at me. "It's my new sex toy... Keiko..." his eyes widen. "Emma's friend?! How could you bringher here?! Why would you do that to her!?" he yells at me, his face turning red. I sigh heavily. I wish I had eyes so I could roll them... "What's the big deal?!" I yell at him. "That's my girlfriends old friend! If Emma finds out about this..." i cut him off "She won't... Cus you're not tellimg her shit! Got it?!" i growl, as he climbs back into my laptop. "I'm telling Emma..." he say as he slips into the laptop, right before I could grab his hair. Dammit...

I groan and watch her sleep.. Hmmm.... I'm feeling a bit.... Horny... I think I'll go mess around a bit.... I think as I slip out of bed and grab a condom from my nightstand and slip out of my room and down the stairs and into the basement, closing and locking the door. She lays there on the bed and I open the condom package and hold it with a tendril and climb over her, and she wakes up. "W-what? Nathan? What's going on?! Where am I?!" she said, clearly terrified. "This'll teach you not to reject me... You... You... Little Bitch!" i growl and use my tendrils to hold her hands over her head she screams, whimpering loudly. "Nathan! What're those things holding my arms up!? I can't see!" she yells. -sigh- Good... I grin and lick her neck and use my tendrils to put the condom on. She whimpers as I shush her and rip her clothes off with my tendrils. "Ahhh! Please Nathan! Don't do this!! I.... I love you!!" she yells, tears running down the sides of her face. "Yeah... I loved you too... Before you. Re.ject.ed. me!!!!" I hold her legs open and she kicks and squirms and screams and I put some cloth in her mouth as a gag and I forcefully push myself into her and she screams loudly, sobbing. I stay there for a bit, feeling sad... But then I feel anger burn those feelings for her away and I pound her hard and rough, hearing her scream and cry mixed with moaning is just giving me a good feeling.... God she's so tight... (Hush..../)~(\ )

I moan loudly and we go all night, using condom after condom, until my anger is gone. I still f***** her even when she passed out. I lay next to her shivering, whimpering form snf breathe heavily. "You... Will be my new Bitch... My sex toy... Understand?" I say softly, sliding my hand into hers, my heart racing and she pulls away, and I feel like my heart is breaking again.

"I hate you! Don't ever touch me again! I hate you!!!!" she yells and grabs the blanket and yanks it, wraping it around her body. Oh god... What have I done? Now she'll never love me...

"Keiko... Wait please! I'm sorry! I was just-"

"Save it!! I hate you!! Get away from me! You've NEVER loved me! All you ever wanted from me was sex! That's all men think about! Sex sex sex!!! Just leave ne alone! I-... I wanna go home!!" she breaks down sobbing.

"I-i.... -sigh- I'm not letting you go home... You will stay here... Until I'm done with you... And kill you..." I growl and leave the room, hearing her sobs grow louder and louder and I go upstairs and take a cig out of my trench coat and stand on my balcony outside of my window and smoke and then drop to my knees, crying... I have no eyes, but I still cry.... I sob and sob... After one hour of crying and screaming, I go inside and lay down in my bed and watch her sob and scream on the camera. I sniffle and turn the volume down as she screams help before it goes mute and I close the laptop and go to sleep.

°.... Blarg....°

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