Forgiveness pt 2

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🎉Happy Holidays Guys!🎉

Keiko's POV:

*One month later*

I wish I could go back... No... I don't want to go back... I don't belong there... They're serial killers... To them I'm nothing but a target. *sigh* I wish... I wish I'd never met him!

I think to myself as I clean my room, finding stuff that isn't mine and finding that a majority of my stuff is still at the mansion... *knock knock* Huh? Who could that be? Emma's at work and Sacorra is at school... I get up and go to answer the door.

I look through the eye hole and see someone in a white hoodie. ...Jeff? "Who is it?"
Silence. "It's me... Jeff.. I need to talk to you..." His head is down and his hair is in the way so I can't see his face. I sigh and open it, letting him in. He hurries in and looks down. "What's wrong?" I put my hand on his shoulder.

He looks at me with sadness in his eyes. Something's wrong... "It's him... He's gone back to the way he was... He's kidnapped 10 women on the past month... And he's drinking again... *sighs* We need you to come back..." He looks at me, a pained look in his eyes. I fold my arms and look away. "So what? He's not my problem. He's happy right? That's what he chose to do. I'm sorry Jeff but I can't help you." He face droops, his smile shifting slightly and he nods, sighing. "I understand... But you're welcome to come home anytime you like...." He leaves out the door and goes downstairs.

I sigh and call after him. "Jeff! Wait!" He stops and turns to look at me. "... I'll go see what's wrong with him... If it'll make you happy." He comes back up the stairs. I let him in and GE sits. "Hold on..." I roll my eyes and go to my room and change. I put on my MCR band tee and hoodie with my favorite black skinny jeans and converse and grab my phone and keys. I head to the living room as Jeff us inspecting my knives in the kitchen. "Leave em or I'm leaving you!" I say as I grab two motorcycle helmets and throw it to him and head out the door and runs out after me, closing the door and lock it, heading down the stairs and I walk to my covered motorcycle.

I yank off the covering and roll it up, shoving it into a small bag on the back and put my helmet on. "Get on." I say to Jeff as he stares at my motorcycle. "Woah..." he says as he gets on behind me an I turn it on, revving the engine. "Hold on tight.." I half smirk and peel off down the parking lot feeling Jeff hold onto me tight. I smile as we head to the woods.

~Time Skip~

My heart skips beats in my chest as I take my helmet off an look at the place I called home for years. I sigh and mumble "Suck it up, you're not staying, you're going to talk some sense into that idiot." I walk in and look around the vacant mansion. Our footsteps echo in the living room, dining room and kitchen. I sigh as I look around at the dust covered table. Do they not use that table anymore?

"Where is everyone?" My voice echoes around the room as I stand by the couch. Jeff stays silent and leans against the stair case.  "Gone.. The only Ines left here are Me, BEN, Slendy, E.J, L.J, Trendy, Splendy and...." He trails off. I look down and hug him. He tenses slightly and winces softly. I look at him, his hair over his face. I tilt his face up to see one of his eyes are red and bruises I didn't see there before.

"Oh my God Jeff... What happened?" He sighs and takes off his hoodie and shirt, revealing bandages wrapped around his abdomen and countless cuts, bandaged scrapes and bruises. "Offendy... He gets really violent when he's drunk... And he takes it out on us. That's why most left. But others stayed. That's why I wanted to ask if you'd come back to us.... So we could be a family again." I sigh.

"I know but you don't have to share a room with him. Just keep him stable please..." He takes my hand and hugs me. "Please..." He whispers softly. ... Dammit Jeff.... "Fine..." I mutter.

He hugs me tight. "I'll be back. I'll go get your stuff and you pick a room! I gotta tell everybody you're back!" He runs out before I could say anything. I sigh. Might as well... I was at the edge of being evicted anyways..  I think to myself as I go upstairs and look around. "Hm..." I look at my old room door and see it's dark under the door. I look down and think about the memories he and I had. *sigh*

I go to it and put my hand in the doro knob. As soon as I touch it, the door flies open so fast, I still feel the handle in my hand. "GO THE FUCK AWAY! WHAT DID I-" He yells, the smell of alcohol burns my nose and eyes and I cough. I look up at him, trying not to jump into his arms and I see him for the first time in months.  I gasp softly as I stare at his blank face, a cigarette in his mouth and a bottle of whiskey in one hand. I see inside the room, seeing nothing changed, except for mountains and mountains of empty alcohol bottles.

I notice he isn't wearing anything above his waist. At least he has the decency to wear something around here... He looks shocked to see me...  I sigh. "So... How have you been?" I put my hands into my jacket pockets. He stays silent and reaches to touch me but I step back. He grabs my wrist hard and grips it tight. "Ow! Let go! You're hurting me!!" I try pulling away but he only holds on tighter. I start to feel my eyes burn from the tears forming in my eyes. I sniffle. "Let go! It hurts, Offendy!" I start to cry silently and he carefully lets go.

I look down and sniffle, rubbing my wrist. "What's wrong with you?!" I look at him and he leans down and kisses me. I blush and slap him. "How dare you do that and except me to come back to you?! God and I had hoped that you would change! Not old for me but for our child!" I stop and look down. Shittake mushrooms.... "What did you say?" He says. I look away.

I sigh. "Tell me..." He kneels to look me in the eyes. I feel hot tears run down my face. "I'm pregnant..." My voice cracks as I cry softly. "... You're going to be a father..."

Offendy's POV:

Holy shit.... I'm gonna be a father...

'Sorry it took me so long to update guys. School's been kicking my ass'

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