The Club Be Poppin'!

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~Hai... I've been pretty stressed lately and sad cus this story is getting less and less veiws... So I might as well trash the story....~

Offenderman's POV:

WOW. She's a good kisser... And she tastes pretty good... Mmmm... Uh... Heh... ~Ahem~Yeah... So... I watch her as she walks to the bar and looks over my resumé once more before taking it into the back, going through swinging doors. I look around, and I start to look for the nearest exits. I have a plan... I know who's going to my next girl. And I just need to make the perfect plan to get her alone, so I can take her back home to the mansion. It's gonna be hard to get through the place, but it'll be worth it. I bet she's a virgin too.

She looks like a virgin. I smile a little but I quickly brush it off. No time for feelings, man. You've got to go with the plan, and "emotions" and "feelings" are only going to get in the way and be a distraction. I'm not letting that happen.

I loose my train if thought when I hear her shoes squeaking across the floor over to me. "Hey, bad news. The club won't open until 5 now. It's gonna be like that for now, so until wotk starts, doo you want to go get some coffee? Or maybe walk around the mall?" She blushes slightly. Awww, she's cute when she- NO!HOLD YOURSELF TOGETHER, MAN! "Uh, sure. But I can't promise that I won't keep my hands iff of you.." I wink as she rolls her eyes and she leads me out of the club, everyone else follows, chatting away and then the last person locks it up and Keiko throws me a helmet and starts up her motorcycle, and she nods for me to get on and I grin and put the helmet on and hop on and then we ride away.

I wrap my arms around her waist and pull her close to me, and I feel her body grow tense and I giggle. Boy, I can't wait to take her home!

We arrive at the mall and we park and take our helmets off. She shakes her hair out, and something inside of me flutters, like... Like... Butterflies or something in my stomach.... Huh... I take my helmet off and she blushes as I shake my hair out too.

She smiles and grabs my sleeve and pulls into a Macy's. "Come on!! I want to buy you something for getting your new job today!" she say happily, making me smile. I'm going to loove this girls body!

We walk in and we head to the men's section and she picks up a few shirts, then looks to her left, and does a double take. Her expression went from happy to a mix of pain and anger. I look in that direction and there's a guy with long black hair walking in our direction. "Ugh... It's Derek... My ex boyfriend... " She rolls here eyes and I noticd her hand us shaking hard. I smile softly and look at Derek as he walks up to her and looks me up and down.
"Hey babe.... Who's slim?" Nudging his head in ny direction. "Why does it matter ti you? And DON'T call me babe, or baby anymore! I'm not your girl anymore!" She yells at him, bringing the attention of the people in the store. "Aw c'mon baby! Don't be like that! Can't you forgive me?" he tajes her hand and I feel very angry, but I keep it in. She yanks her hand away. "Don't touch me! You.... You cheating pig!" She screams, tears running down her face. My heart sinks as she runs out of the store,crying. I don't know what I did, but next thing I know, Derek is on the floor, nose bleeding an groaning. "By the way, the name's Nathan. Don't touch my girl. Or you'll end up worse that you look now..." I growl and walk out, going to look for Keiko.

She sits on a railing, crying. My heart sinks more and I start to feel something that I haven't felt in a long time.... Could I possibly love this chick? No.... I can't....
Keiko's POV:
I can't believe him... How could he embarrass me like that?! Derek knows damn well that we are over and done with.

I sit on the railing outside of the store and just cry. I thought I could be strong, but I'm not. I hear someone coming and I sniffle and wipe my eyes as Nathan puts his hand on my shoulder. "Hey... You okay?" he askes hesitantly.
I nod once and he sits next to me, and doesn't touch me. I sniffle and smile softly and hold his hand and look at him and smile. He smiles back and I hear my heart pounding in my chest. I blush really hard and look away. He hooks his finger under my chin and turns my head to him and kisses me softly. I blush and wrap my arms around his neck and he places his hand on my thigh. I gasp and blush harder. He pulls away and says "You're so cute when your embarrassed...." he chuckles and I blush harder and stand.

"Anyways, let's go back inside to get you something. We have a another 3 hours before the sun starts to set, and the club opens back up." I say, standing up and tsjing his hand and going back inside. I see people crowded around someone lying on the floor, and I notice it's Derek.

"I nailed him in the nose. He's being over dramatic." he says as he grins deviously. I smile and take him to the area with the clothes his size.

"Pick anything you want! I'm buying!" I say happily. He looks at me cautiously and picks up a few shirts and hands them to me. He also goes and gets two black ties. I smile and he takes me to the front and I pay for his items and we leave. "I wanna take my clothes home. Do you think you can take me there?" he asks as we mount onto my motorcycle. "Sure! Just tell me where to go!" I say as I start it and we drive off.

Offenderman's POV:
Well, shit. I think I love her. She must be mine and No one elses. And I mean NO ONE can have her. I have to take her home with me tonight. I'll take her home after work. Oh boy I can't wait! She will be my bitch.

I think to myself as we drive off. I tap her and signal her to go right, and then to go left once we leave area. We take a few rights and lefts before we go down a dirt path in the woods. We stop in front of the Slender Mansion. She parks and looks around. "Uh... You LIVE here?" she says in a nervous tone.

"Yeah. Don't be scared, sugar tits!" I wink and she frowns.

"Don't call me that." she says and folds her arms and we walk to the front door.

"Sugar tits it is...." I whisper under my breath and knock on the front door. I freeze as I remember that my brothers are home and Slenderman answers and he freezes when he sees us. I look at Keiko and her eyes widen, and she steps back and then faints. "Shit."

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