The Depression

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????'s POV:

You're worthless. You have no meaning. You've got nothing to live for. Why don't you do her a favor and just end it? She doesn't love you. She hates you. Everyone hates you. No one will ever love you! Worthless! Stupid! Waste of space!*screams* I scream and bolt upright, breathing heavily. I look around my dark room, my heart pounding hard and loud in my chest and my ears. I shake violently as tears roll from my eyes. I sniffle and wipe my eyes. I look at the empty spot next to my bed and my eyes burn as tears push their way out.

I sigh and start to sob. Icover my face and cry into them. I sob and fall to my side, placing my hand on the empty spot next to me and grip the blankets. I sob for another hour before I have the guts to get up. I shake hard and look at myself in the mirror. God I look horrid. But... It's all for her. Her. I sigh as she comes to my mind and I feel my beard and decide to trim it. I cut my hair a bit, and put my glasses on.  I feel ridiculous... But.. He chose this for me... I sigh and get my clothes on exit my room.

I sigh and go to the kitchen and make a bagel and turn on the news. It's been nearly a year and Keiko Davisen is still missing. He family searches endlessly and frantically for their beloved family member. I turn off the tv and throw the remote on the couch as I hear the jingling of keys in the door and the door knob turning and my brother walks in. "What're you doing? You're not going to go watch her again,are you?" he folds his arms.

"Yes, I am. I want to see how she has turned out after a year." I say, putting my jacket on. "She's forgotten about you. And she's happy." my heart sinks at his words. "But..." my heart races a bit,"She has stayed. She made herself home." I smile and lean against the counter. I miss her so much... "I want to be with her again. Please."

"You're not ready." "Yes I am! Please! I'm all clean for her. I've stopped smoking and-" "and you still drink profusely." i look down and sigh. "You also need to stay away fir one more year, to get iver your alcoholism, and another year to get your anger issimues straightened out. Understand?" "Two more years?!" he nods. I sigh. "Fine. But I want to get a peek at her before I have to go. Please. It's.... It's what keeps me going..." i blush and look at my feet. He walks to me and hugs me. I'm shocked and surprised and hug him back. "Brother? Do you think she will like me better this way?" i look at him and he smiles, "Does it matter? If she still loves you, she'll love you no matter how you look." I look down and smile. He pats my back and leads me out of the luxury cabin and we walk through the woods and talk and laugh, when we hear other people laughing and running. We both scramble up the tree watch from below and... It's her! My heart races and beats against my chest, trying to break free. I smile and she stops running, looking around her. She looks terrified... I look at my brother and he nods at me, noticing that she's clearly running for her life. But from what? A few seconds after she stops, we hear a loud cry and she whimpers and sge runs away from the cry. A few minutes after she runs off, The Rake appears. I raise my eyebrows. The Rake? Oh no... He could kill her! I look at the rake and he runs in the same direction that she ran.

"I have to help! He could kill her!" I start to climb down but her grabs me. "Let go! She needs me!""But if you interfere, he'll kill you too!" I look at him sadly. "I don't care. I want her safe." I hip down and grab the nearest branch and break ans follow the trail The Rake left. I come across her scooting away, and him creeping close. "No. No please. I didn't do anything! I swear! He let me stay there!" "Shut up! I can't eat someone who's acting all innocent!" she whimpers and is backed up against a tree and I run towards him, as she screams and impale him with the branch. She whimpers and looks at me and my heart stops for a second. Everything around us had slowed down, and I was trapped in her gaze. I smile and her eyes widen and then she faints.

"Shit.." i pick her up and my Brother walks me to the place where she now lives and I take her inside, and ignore the tenats inside throwing things at me and calling me tthings. U take her to her room and watch her sleep. I smile and after an hour, I take a picture of myself on her new phone and put my new number in it and my kik info and then kiss her soft, warm lips and touch her face for thw last time and I as I left that home, I vowed to myself that I will get better not only for my own good, but for her... If my name isn't Offenderman, I don't what is. I swear to you, Keiko my beautiful darling... That I will become a better man for you. And you'll always have a spot in my heart.

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