3. Saviour

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I tentatively poke my head out from the dimly lit elevator and take in the chaos. I'm not entirely sure if Stark's suits are just malfunctioning or if these bots are impostors. Either way, they're creating one heck of a scene up here. Walls are smashed, furniture is overturned, broken glass is everywhere, it smells like the aftermath of the Fourth of July, and the crashing of robots destroying everything is overwhelming.

I could almost laugh if everybody didn't look terrified. I mean, come on, if you can make the Avengers look scared you're probably something big. Or in the works of being big.

Drawing my bottom lip up between my teeth, I look left and right. Just as I muster up the courage to step into the chaotic display before me, a suit with half it's face burned off narrowly misses me. Startled, I step backward into the now-closed elevator doors.

Okay, rude.

Shaking my head and rolling my eyes, I step forward again. There's a sound of shattering glass as a suit destroys all of Stark's alcohol at the bar. A tiny smirk creeps up on my lips. The billionaire will probably flip his lid when he sees that all his precious liquor now resides on the polished floors. My focus quickly changes. I see a fairly young Korean woman taking refuge behind a grand piano atop one of the elevated platforms Stark must use for entertainment. My feet carry in her direction as I begin to understand her predicament. As I run towards the platform, I avoid all kinds of conflict. Once reaching the short flight of stairs, I take the steps in two's to reach her faster. My main concern is to make sure this woman doesn't die. It might not be the most thought out plan, but its a start.

The bot that's cornering and threatening her seems to suddenly have a change of heart. I, unlike the malfunctioning suit, do not change my mind. I hop on an overturned couch and launch myself into the air so that I could tackle this...thing. "Hey! Get somewhere safe until this blows over, lady!" I shout over the sound of raging battle. I don't see her reaction but I hope she does what she's told.

This machine doesn't seem to know what hits it as I tackle it over the woman's head, toward the wall of glass overlooking New York. The robot's flight stabilizers stutter under the sudden extra weight. It becomes blatant that the suit is not built to take surprise attacks from behind when in such disrepair. I place my hands on the robot's head and absorb the electrical energy keeping it functioning. It's a small amount of power that enters through my fingertips and spreads throughout my body.

Just as the machine goes limp from lack of power, I use my feet to push off of it, sending me in the opposite direction. Thankfully I did, otherwise, I would've broken through the glass with the now over-sized paperweight. Instead, my body falls back down to the main level of the entertaining room. I shakily land on my feet before deciding to throw myself back into the ensuing fight. I have no idea what I'm dealing with or what exactly caused the problem, let alone how to actually stop it, but draining the power from the murderbots seems like a pretty good start to me. From there, hopefully, the Avengers won't try to take me out as well.

My eyes turn to the woman I just 'saved' as she frantically hops down the stairs from the platform she was just on. I rush over to her side. She seems shaken up, but not injured.


"Come on, let's get you somewhere you won't have your head taken off by some crazy malfunctioning robot." I offer. Her response is a nod as I gently grab her upper arm and guide her away from the fighting. I don't even remember where exactly we went, but I do remember finding a spot that wasn't destroyed by fighting. A quiet corner.

I push a couch over to her, turn it over so it'd act as a barrier, and add two chairs. I then create a makeshift plush wall to keep her somewhat safe. Finally, I throw pillows over the back to her. She can use them to shield her head or something should she need to. "Stay here until the fighting is over, or if someone comes to get you. Just...don't get yourself killed by trying to be a hero or something, yeah?" I back away quickly, eyeing my work. I then skip and turn at the same time before I rush back into the chaos.

I just make it back into the main area of the fight when suddenly I have to bend over backward, literally, as Captain Spangles' shield is thrown across the room. I turn behind me and see the Captain catch it. I'm not exactly sure who threw it but all that mattered was it didn't decapitate me. I lift a brow up at the man who lacks his iconic red, white, and blue themed suit. He gives me a quick nod before becoming engaged in battle with another robot. I lean to my left as a suit comes out of nowhere and nearly takes me with it. My eyes narrow as I look around. There seems to be one of the machines trying to break into an upstairs lab where a rather grand prize lays unattended.

Loki's scepter.

The one and only from the Battle of New York. If the crazed mechanical tin box wanted it, then I probably wanted it more. I begin to sprint in that direction. Before I can reach the stairway to the lab, I'm suddenly blindsided by another metal suit going through a rebellious phase. I hiss in pain as it latches it's cold hands around my hips while it's head crushes into my waist. The thrusters on its feet seem to be on full blast. I'm too engrossed in pain to even think about tapping into its power source. The useless metal Stark mechanism then lets me go as it hits his brakes. It them turns and goes after another victim, sending me flying into a stone wall.

Useless piece of junk.

Rubbing the side that collided with the wall as I shakily stand, I see the crazed machine has smashed through the lab window. It goes straight to the scepter, snatches it off its holder, and starts flying toward the glass wall overlooking New York City.

Oh hell naw, buddy.

Instead of standing there gawking, I decide to chase after it. Probably not a very smart plan, but whatever. That sharp alien metal spear with a glowing orb could only cause more harm than good. Especially in the hands of flying, murderous metal junkers.

Still clutching my injured side, I limp-run towards the glass wall as well. At the last moment, I cut directly in front of the robot. Unfortunately, I'm not able to throw it off it's intended course. Instead, with its free hand, it grabs my upper arm. The mechanical suit drags me along with it through the window as though it was nothing. Sharp shards of glass splinter around us, only for gravity to drag the pieces down to the earth. I can feel a few embed themselves in my skin. The crazy killer machine doesn't seem fazed in the slightest.

I use the arm he isn't death gripping as he flies us over NYC to try and drain his power. This truly is a terrible plan. I know that if I drain its power we'll both plummet. Either way, with the scepter tightly gripped in its hand I can't drain its power. Whatever is powering the magic blue glowy stone is giving this robot a charge. Then I smirk. It might kill me, but it'll save millions if I can get the scepter away from this manic metal machine.

I bring up my foot and kick its hand, the one holding Loki's choice weapon. Once my foot makes contact, the weapon is stupidly released. That wasn't the only thing though. In the rush to retrieve the now falling alien item, it releases me as well. I'm suddenly free-falling as the robot retrieves it's prize and leaves me to continue to plummet toward the city below. The robot doesn't even look back. It just continues on with the stolen object.

Well, frickin' rude.

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